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发布时间:2018-04-30 21:36

  本文选题:初中英语 + 家庭作业 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The general goal of English curriculum in compulsory education stage is to enable students to master English language knowledge, acquire language communicative competence, cultivate multicultural consciousness and lay the foundation for students' all-round development. In order to achieve this goal, teachers devote a lot of time and energy to English classroom, but neglect the design of English homework. Many junior middle school English teachers are influenced by the traditional educational thoughts, and their English assignments are single and boring, which limits the students' imagination and creative thinking to a certain extent. Therefore, students generally think that homework is a burden, scribbling handwriting, plagiarism of the phenomenon of endless, they only passively cope with the homework, difficult to experience the fun of using English in real situations. In this situation, English homework as an extension of classroom teaching, to some extent, does not play a complementary role. Therefore, the effectiveness of junior English homework design has become an indispensable research topic. This paper is mainly based on the theory of multiple intelligences, constructivism and humanism. Under the guidance of the theory of multiple intelligences, according to the students' different ways of intelligence combination, the author designs various types of English homework in junior high school and promotes the development of students' multiple intelligences. In order to promote the meaning construction of students' new knowledge, the author designs English homework on the basis of the students' existing experience and knowledge background, and designs a variety of problem situations according to the theory of humanism. Make English homework in junior high school keep close to students' real life, so as to promote students to finish homework actively. In this study, the methods of literature research, questionnaire, interview and experiment were used to study 129 students in two classes of junior middle school in Jinan for one semester (September-December 2016). This study focuses on the following three questions: 1. How to effectively design English homework in junior high school Can the effective design of junior middle school English homework help students consolidate their classroom language knowledge? Whether the effective design of junior English homework can foster students' interest in English homework. The research process is divided into three stages: collecting data before the experiment to investigate the present situation of homework assignment of English teachers in junior high school, and in the course of the experiment, the author arranges different homework to observe and compare the students' homework completion in the two classes; The experimental data collection and analysis, the results of the study proved the effectiveness of junior high school English homework. In this study, the author collected and analyzed the data of test, questionnaire and interview, and obtained the following findings: first, teachers should establish a scientific view of work, adhere to the principles of interest, hierarchy, creativity, moderation, etc. In addition, we can effectively design English assignment in junior high school from four aspects. Secondly, by comparing the results of the two classes, it is proved that the effective design of junior high school English homework can help students consolidate their classroom language knowledge. Thirdly, through the analysis of the questionnaire data after the experiment, it is proved that the effective design of junior high school English homework can foster students' interest in English homework. It is sincerely hoped that this study can be used for reference by English teachers in junior high school.


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