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发布时间:2018-05-03 16:14

  本文选题:思维导图 + 词汇教学 ; 参考:《广州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is the basis of language and has always been one of the difficulties in secondary vocational English teaching. Many secondary vocational students are inefficient in vocabulary learning due to their lack of scientific learning methods. How to make students learn vocabulary better plays an important role in vocational English teaching. In the course of education and training, the author came into contact with the concept of thinking map, and found that it is an efficient organizational thinking tool in the course of learning, which can stimulate the infinite potential of memory thinking. It is the fundamental standpoint of this thesis whether we can connect the thinking map with the teaching of words, explore the effective ways of teaching and learning in vocational English vocabulary teaching, and change the present situation of vocabulary memorization difficulties and dullness. The 96 participants in this study were from two parallel classes of Senior three in a secondary vocational school in Dongguan. The experiment of thinking map vocabulary teaching was conducted from September 2015 to December 2015. In order to test the results of the experiment, two English proficiency tests with the same difficulty and requirement in the experimental class and the control class were adopted as the pre-test and post-test, and the dictation test for the words learned was conducted once. A pre-survey questionnaire for English learning interest in the experimental class and a post-survey questionnaire and interview for the experience and feelings after the use of the mind map in the experimental class are used as a data collection tool. The research questions include: 1) can the vocabulary teaching based on the thinking map improve the students' English achievement? can the vocabulary teaching based on the thinking map stimulate the students' interest in learning English vocabulary? The main work of this study is as follows: firstly, the background of this study is analyzed, and the existing problems are expounded. Secondly, the research progress of thinking map at home and abroad is collected and sorted out. By analyzing the literature, this paper discusses theoretically the possibility of combining English word memory with thinking. By using the method of contrastive experiment and questionnaire and interview, it is proved that thinking map can promote English vocabulary teaching in senior high school to a great extent. The results show that the scores of the experimental group are higher than those of the control group in the English proficiency test and there is a significant difference between the two groups. By comparing and interviewing the data of two questionnaires, it is concluded that thinking map vocabulary teaching can stimulate students' interest in learning English vocabulary. The present study has proved that thinking map is one of the effective ways to teach English vocabulary in secondary vocational schools. It can not only improve students' performance, but also enhance their interest in learning. Therefore, the thinking map is worth to be used in English vocabulary teaching in secondary vocational schools. Finally, the author points out the limitations of this study and gives some suggestions on the teaching of thinking map vocabulary.


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