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发布时间:2018-05-04 15:11

  本文选题:参与式教学 + 活动 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In October 2016, the author interned with nine other English teachers in Siping No.1 Middle School to learn about the training of English teachers in senior high school. The main research of training is how to use participatory teaching in high school English classroom. In order to "let students participate in class and make teachers easy to teach", students' subjectivity, initiative and creativity should be brought into full play. At the same time, participation teaching system is the rule system supporting participatory teaching. Participatory teaching method can ensure the quantity and quality of students' participation in teaching activities, ensure that every student can participate in class, and adjust the deviation and contradiction between teachers and students. Participatory teaching is a new teaching method, and its teaching system is not perfect. Our country is carrying on the basic education curriculum reform, the reform also emphasizes to change the student's study way, advocates the independent study, the cooperation study, the inquiry study and so on new learning way. Therefore, the student's main position and initiative should be the biggest problem. The purpose of this study is to apply the concept of participatory teaching by English teachers to the effect of participatory teaching in high school English teaching, and at the same time, to find out the problems encountered in teaching, and to solve these problems. To improve the application of participatory teaching method in English classroom teaching in senior high school. There are two research questions: (1) how does participatory teaching play an important role in high school English teaching? The following conclusions are drawn from the study: (1) after training, teachers can adopt a participatory approach in senior high school English classes. (2) positive changes have taken place in the process of teachers and students' participation in teaching, and students can learn more. However, there are still some problems in the understanding of teachers' participatory teaching and the acceptance of students. In order to solve these problems, the author puts forward some suggestions for improving the knowledge frame of behaviorism and constructivism in the theoretical and practical research of cognitive psychology of senior high school students. The research of classroom observation and test methods, and the analysis of the application of participatory teaching methods to English teachers' understanding of teaching concepts, and the application of computer data to the analysis of students' test results, combined with traditional teaching methods. Through the change of participatory teaching methods. This paper attempts to analyze the application of participatory teaching method in senior high school English teaching. The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility of participating in English teaching in senior high school English classrooms, and the effective use of participatory teaching can improve students' ability in listening, reading, writing and four languages. And can stimulate students' interest in learning English, so that students actively participate in teaching activities. This paper carries on the test experiment teaching before and after graduation practice, and analyzes the data in the school graduation practice, which proves the effectiveness of the expected results. The most important thing is that the author has read the relevant theories of amateur learning and a large number of organizations, which is helpful to the author's research. From the experiment and analysis of this problem, the results show that the participatory approach is a new and advanced teaching method, which can be applied to the English classroom of senior high school, and the new advanced method can help to improve the students' language ability, which is the requirement of the new curriculum. Through a series of experiments and analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: in English classroom teaching in senior high school, the participatory teaching method can be realized. If properly implemented, this advanced teaching method is very helpful in the middle school English classroom. But there are also some shortcomings and obstacles, using this teaching method I am very hopeful.


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