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发布时间:2018-05-05 02:41

  本文选题:翻译 + 译者主体性 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a participant in the process of translation, the translator undertakes the important mission of cultural communication. The study of translator's subjectivity is closely related to the choice of translation strategies, the discussion of translator's status and the appreciation of translation, and plays an important role in translation studies. On the subject of translator subjectivity, scholars at home and abroad have experienced a complicated and long cognitive process. At first, the marginalization of translation itself led to the translator's low status and his subjectivity was completely ignored. However, with the development of deconstruction and manipulation theory, the status of translator has been fully demonstrated. Later, scholars have made a more comprehensive and in-depth study of translation theory, and formed a relatively balanced view on the translator's subjectivity. From the point of view of meme, the basic unit of cultural communication, this thesis gives a macro overview and microcosmic analysis of the translator's subjectivity. The macroscopical overview is to study the historical process of the translator's subjectivity study with reference to the development characteristics of memes, in order to prove the inevitability of the development of the translator's subjectivity view from the perspective of meme. The microscopic analysis is to discuss and think about the translator's subjectivity around the four stages of meme reproduction in order to understand the process and mechanism of the translator's subjectivity playing a role in the whole process of translation. In addition, this thesis makes a detailed study of the factors that affect the reproduction and dissemination of memes in the process of translation, and proves that the exertion of the translator's subjectivity is bound to be affected by these factors. It is found that the development of scholars' understanding of the translator's subjectivity has its rationality and inevitability, and that the translator's various considerations and decisions in the process of translation are the necessary conditions for the successful replication and dissemination of memes. Moreover, the factors affecting the translator's subjectivity, such as cultural intervention, the translator's aesthetic level, temperament preference and professional ethics, can be fully demonstrated from the perspective of meme reproduction. This thesis hopes to provide some references for the study of translator's subjectivity, and also hopes that the concept of meme will be further applied and developed in translation.


中国期刊全文数据库 前5条

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