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发布时间:2018-05-06 18:00

  本文选题:《法律101:美国法律必备知识》 + 功能对等理论 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译中法律翻译项目的实践报告。翻译材料来源于美国罗格斯大学特聘教授杰伊·法因曼(Jay Feinman)所著法律教材《法律101:美国法律必备知识》(Law 101:Everything You Need to Know about American Law)中序言和前两章。这本书通俗易懂,生动幽默,以问答的形式使得枯燥的法律生动起来。随着中美两国交流不断加强,更多地了解美国法律在同美国的合作与竞争中也越加重要。因而,在为中国读者提供了解美国宪法乃至美国法律方面,本次翻译活动具有重要的实践意义。通常来说,法律文本的翻译力求严谨,对准确性的要求远高于其他文本。此书虽然是属于法律书籍,却不是严格意义上的法律法规之类的法律文书。因此在翻译此书时,可以采取一定的灵活变通。在奈达的功能对等理论的指导下,译者运用灵活的翻译策略和方法来解决翻译此书时遇到的问题和难点。在本报告中,译者选取一些代表性的难点例如长难句、专有名词的处理,进行深入分析,并阐述该翻译实践所带来的收获和启示。通过此次实践,译者认识到应当根据不同语境,灵活调整翻译策略,不能完全依赖某一特定理论。本报告主要由四个部分构成。第一部分是对翻译项目背景的介绍,涵盖了项目的来源和意义,并简要介绍了项目报告的结构;第二部分是对翻译任务的描述,介绍了译者在译前和翻译过程中所做的翻译工作准备和译后管理:第三部分是案例分析,列举出译者在翻译过程中遇到的翻译重点和难点例如如何处理长难句和语义空缺,并对此翻译实践的理论依据做了扼要阐述,通过具体实例分析来介绍译者如何运用增译、省译等翻译技巧解决上述难题;第四部分是对整个翻译实践项目的总结,总结了译者在翻译的过程中获得的启示、教训和仍待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This article is a practical report of the legal translation project in English translation. The translation materials are derived from the preamble and the first two chapters of the legal textbook of law 101: American Law (Law 101:Everything You Need to Know about American Law) written by Jay Feynman (Feinman), a special professor of the University of Rutgers (Jay). Humour, in the form of question and answer, makes the boring law lively. As the exchanges between China and the United States continue to strengthen, it is more important to know more about American Law in cooperation and competition with the United States. Therefore, this translation activity is of great practical significance to provide Chinese readers with the United States Constitution and even the American law. Often, the translation of legal texts is more rigorous and more accurate than other texts. Although this book belongs to legal books, it is not a legal instrument, such as laws and regulations in strict sense. Therefore, it can be flexible and flexible when translating this book. In this report, the translator selects some representative difficulties, such as long and difficult sentences, and the treatment of proper nouns, and expounds the harvest and Inspiration of the translation practice. Through this practice, the translator recognizes that the translator should be based on different contexts. This report is composed of four parts. The first part is the introduction of the background of the translation project, covering the source and significance of the project, and briefly introducing the structure of the project report. The second part describes the translation task, and introduces the translator in the process of translation and translation. The third part is the case analysis. The translation points and difficulties encountered by the translator in the process of translation, such as how to deal with long difficult sentences and semantic vacancies are described, and the theoretical basis of the translation practice is briefly described. Translation techniques solve the above problems; the fourth part is a summary of the whole translation practice, and summarizes the enlightenment, lessons and problems that are still to be solved by the translator in the process of translation.



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