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发布时间:2018-05-07 02:21

  本文选题:思维导图 + 高二英语 ; 参考:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高考题型的不断改革,越来越多的教育者致力于探索如何改革传统的教学方法,却忽略了词汇复习在整个高中阶段英语学习过程中的基础作用,从而使部分学生老是记不住词汇的现象更加恶化。本文作者通过查阅相关文献了解到:思维导图是一种基于知识可视化理论、记忆的深层次加工理论和建构主义理论的思维工具,不仅可以提高学习者的自主学习兴趣,而且可以使所学知识系统化,增强记忆效果。再加上,高二阶段具有承上启下的作用,这个阶段的词汇复习会为高三阶段的全面复习打好坚实的基础。因此,本研究将思维导图应用于高二英语词汇复习教学,旨在研究思维导图作为一种教学工具在词汇复习教学中的有效性,探索其是否能够激发起学生学习英语词汇的兴趣,形成良好的自主学习习惯,从而提高词汇复习的记忆效果。本研究以延安市宝塔区第四中学的两个平行班(120人)为研究对象,历时两个月,主要采用了文献研究法、问卷调查法和实验法来收集数据,并用定量和定性的方法对数据加以分析,然后用SPSS 19.0软件对两个班的调查问卷、前测、后测和八次周考成绩进行均值统计和T检验分析,得出实验班与控制班之间存在显著性差异。研究结果表明:第一,思维导图对学生词汇复习态度和策略有影响。第二,思维导图可以提高高二学生英语词汇复习效果。思维导图的绘制过程即是单词在思维中的再现过程,真正实现了动脑、动手、动口和动眼的学习模式,充分利用了人的左右脑相结合的记忆优势,把所学的词汇进行系统化的归类,从而提高了学生的记忆效果。
[Abstract]:With the reform of college entrance examination questions, more and more educators devote themselves to exploring how to reform the traditional teaching methods, but neglect the basic role of vocabulary review in the whole senior high school English learning process. As a result, some students can not always remember the phenomenon of a further deterioration of vocabulary. The author of this paper finds out that thinking map is a thinking tool based on knowledge visualization theory, deep processing theory of memory and constructivism theory, which can not only enhance learners' interest in autonomous learning. Moreover, it can systematize the knowledge learned and enhance the effect of memory. In addition, the second stage of senior high school has the function of connecting the preceding and the following, and the vocabulary review in this stage will lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive review of the third stage of senior high school. The purpose of this study is to study the effectiveness of thinking map as a teaching tool in vocabulary review teaching, and to explore whether it can arouse students' interest in learning English vocabulary. Form a good self-learning habit to improve the memory effect of vocabulary review. In this study, 120 students from two parallel classes in the fourth Middle School of Baota District, Yan'an City, were chosen as the research objects, which lasted for two months. The data were collected by the methods of literature research, questionnaire investigation and experiment. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data, and then SPSS 19.0 software was used to analyze the average value and T-test of the two classes' questionnaire, pre-test, post-test and eight weekly test results. It is concluded that there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. The results show that: first, thinking map has an effect on students' attitude and strategies of vocabulary review. Second, thinking map can improve the English vocabulary revision effect of senior two students. The process of mapping the mind map is the process of reproducing words in the mind. It realizes the learning mode of brain movement, operation, mouth movement and eye movement, and makes full use of the memory advantage of combining the left and right brain. The vocabulary learned is systematically classified so as to improve the students' memory effect.


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1 方文娟;;浅析运用思维导图辅助英语词汇教学[J];海外英语;2014年21期

2 谭记翠;;巧用思维导图,强化英语词汇记忆[J];教育与教学研究;2011年01期

3 范琳,王庆华;英语词汇学习中的分类组织策略实验研究[J];外语教学与研究;2002年03期

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1 李文;高中英语词汇教学中应用思维导图的实验研究[D];鲁东大学;2015年

2 吴爱平;思维导图在初三英语复习教学中的应用研究[D];苏州大学;2014年

3 郭郦萍;思维导图在初中英语复习课中的应用研究[D];上海师范大学;2013年

4 李娜;将思维导图引入高中生物理学习的个案研究[D];首都师范大学;2012年

5 魏红霞;思维导图在英语单词教学中的应用研究[D];河南大学;2010年




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