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发布时间:2018-05-07 23:43

  本文选题:高中生 + 英语听力焦虑 ; 参考:《闽南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:对于二语学习者来说,听力是听、说、读、写四项语言技能中最重要的一项技能,也是语言学习的基础。笔者通过实习,在教学过程中发现,高中生在英语听力的过程中存在不同程度的焦虑问题。纵观国内外,关于听力焦虑、学习策略、学习动机、学习成绩的相关研究较多,研究对象多为大学生和初中生,对于已经掌握基本英语知识的高中生的听力焦虑与考试成绩相关性的深入研究并不多见。本研究旨在了解高中生听力焦虑状况、分析对比不同类型高中生的英语听力焦虑如何,是否存在显著的差异性、并且探讨高中生英语听力焦虑与考试成绩的相关性问题,为老师的“教”和学生的“学”提供指导性意见。本文研究对象是漳州市某重点中学高二年段学生,采用英语听力焦虑量表、期中考试卷和个人访谈等工具,结合定量和定性研究,通过社会科学软件统计包SPSS 21.0进行分析,先后使用了信效度系数检验,描述性统计、独立样本T检验、皮尔逊相关分析、多元线性回归等统计方法。研究发现:1)高中生英语听力焦虑处于中等水平,在英语听力焦虑四大维度中,英语听力焦虑程度依次从高到低为:听力情景、听力材料特点、自我评价、听力习惯;2)男生的英语听力焦虑程度略高于女生。藏族生由于藏语同英语的差异性以及英语学习起步较晚的缘故造成听力成绩较差,焦虑程度远高于汉族生,且二者存在显著性差异。拥有更多英语语言环境的中英班学生英语听力焦虑程度低于中教班的学生,二者也存在显著性的差异。实验班特殊的竞争环境给学生带来的焦虑感促使实验班的英语听力焦虑程度高于普通班,但二者不存在在显著性差异。文科班与理科班的比较中,理科班在英语焦虑程度上与文科班存在显著性差异;3)英语听力焦虑与英语听力成绩存在较显著的负相关关系,同时四个维度中自我评价与听力成绩存在较显著的负相关关系,而听力习惯、听力材料特点、听力情景与英语听力成绩存在低的负相关关系。普通班焦虑三个维度:自我评价、听力材料特点、听力习惯与英语听力成绩存在多重线性回归关系。本文最后针对如何降低高中生英语听力焦虑提出了一些建议。首先,老师和学生都要重视学生基础知识的培养,从课内外词汇和语音开始,夯实基础。其次,老师要在教学过程中因材施教,选择合适的听力材料,加强听力训练,教授更多的听力技巧;再次,要善于营造更加轻松的教学氛围缓解学生的焦虑症状,提高学生的英语学习兴趣;教师要培养学生的跨文化、跨学科意识,引导学生多了解英美国家的文化知识,学会将其他学科知识与英语知识相结合,真正做到寓教于乐。最后,家长和教师要全方位的关注学生的心理发展,让学生有一个阳光心态。
[Abstract]:For L2 learners, listening is the most important skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and it is also the basis of language learning. In the course of teaching, the author finds that high school students have different degree of anxiety in the process of listening. At home and abroad, there are many related studies on listening anxiety, learning strategies, learning motivation and academic achievement, and the subjects are mostly college students and junior high school students. There are few in-depth studies on the correlation between listening anxiety and test scores of high school students who have mastered basic English knowledge. The purpose of this study is to understand the listening anxiety of senior high school students, to analyze and compare the listening anxiety of different types of high school students, whether there are significant differences, and to explore the correlation between English listening anxiety and test scores of senior high school students. Provide guidance for teachers' teaching and students' learning. The subjects of this study are senior middle school students in a key middle school in Zhangzhou. Using the English listening anxiety scale, midterm examination paper and personal interview, combined with quantitative and qualitative research, this study is analyzed by SPSS 21.0, a statistical package of social science software. Statistical methods such as reliability and validity coefficient test, descriptive statistics, independent sample T test, Pearson correlation analysis and multivariate linear regression were used successively. The study found that the listening anxiety of senior high school students is at the middle level. In the four dimensions of English listening anxiety, the listening anxiety level is from high to low as follows: listening situation, listening material characteristics, self-evaluation. Listening habit 2) the degree of English listening anxiety of boys is slightly higher than that of girls. Due to the difference between Tibetan and English and the late start of English learning, Tibetan students have poor listening performance, and their anxiety degree is much higher than that of Han students, and there is a significant difference between them. There is also a significant difference between English and Chinese students who have more English language environment. The anxiety caused by the special competitive environment in the experimental class is higher than that in the ordinary class, but there is no significant difference between them. In the comparison between liberal arts class and science class, there is significant difference between English anxiety and liberal arts class (3) there is a significant negative correlation between English listening anxiety and English listening achievement. At the same time, there is a significant negative correlation between self-evaluation and listening achievement in the four dimensions, while there is a low negative correlation between listening habit, listening material characteristics, listening situation and English listening achievement. There are three dimensions of general class anxiety: self evaluation, characteristics of listening materials, listening habits and English listening achievement. Finally, some suggestions on how to reduce English listening anxiety of senior high school students are put forward. First, teachers and students should attach importance to the cultivation of students' basic knowledge, starting with vocabulary and pronunciation in and out of class. Secondly, teachers should teach students according to their aptitude, choose appropriate listening materials, strengthen listening training and teach more listening skills. Thirdly, teachers should be good at creating a more relaxed teaching atmosphere to alleviate students' anxiety symptoms. Teachers should cultivate students' cross-cultural and interdisciplinary consciousness, guide students to understand the cultural knowledge of Britain and the United States, and learn to combine other subjects with English knowledge, so as to make education enjoyable. Finally, parents and teachers should pay attention to the psychological development of students, so that students have a sunny state of mind.


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