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发布时间:2018-05-08 17:47

  本文选题:商务合同英译汉 + 《执行协议》补充附录条款 ; 参考:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on the translation of international business contracts from English to Chinese. The original text of the translation project is the supplementary appendix to the implementation Agreement, which falls under the category of Business English contract. The purpose of this translation report is to explore the problems and difficulties encountered by the translator in the translation of English contracts into Chinese. In reviewing the whole translation project, the report details three different stages: "preparation before translation", "execution in translation" and "revision after translation". Pre-translation includes "making translation plans, preparing translation tools and parallel texts", including "glossary formulation and choice of translation theory", and "translator self-proofreading and external tutor proofreading" after translation. In the chapter of "case Analysis", some classic cases are selected, and the difficulties in the translation of contract vocabulary, including the translation of professional vocabulary, are described in detail. Translation of Classical Vocabulary and Translation of synonym of synonyms. In the part of sentences, the author focuses on the translation of attributive clauses, which is divided into "pre-translation of restrictive attributive clauses and post-translation of restrictive attributive clauses" and "translation of non-restrictive attributive clauses". Based on the description of the project process and the case study, the report draws the following conclusion: the maximum understanding of the original text is an essential element before translation, and it is also essential for the learning of parallel texts. The contract belongs to the category of legal text, and there are many professional words in the text. For the translation of such professional words, the translator should consult the translation reference books and some legal knowledge books, or obtain information through careful screening on the Internet. For the translation of classical vocabulary, translators translate through the corresponding "transformation" formula and context. When synonyms are present, two or more synonyms are desirable. In the translation of attributive clauses, the translator should carefully study and split the sentence structure, and then carry out the corresponding pre-or post-translation according to the Chinese word order and habits. In recent years, the demand for translation of international commercial contracts has increased, and the translation of international business contracts has also developed rapidly. This report is a summary of the translation practice.


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