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发布时间:2018-05-09 02:44

  本文选题:局部语法 + 系统功能语法 ; 参考:《外语与外语教学》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Both systemic functional linguistics and corpus linguistics are concerned about the language in use. There is a certain dialogue space in the aspects of context, lexical grammar, system-discourse, frequency-probability and so on. This study focuses on evaluators to explore the complementarities between corpus-driven local grammar and systemic functional grammar. Local grammar focuses on sublanguages with limited function, taking lexical-type combinations as units to describe the matching between functional and type components. It is found that the evaluation local grammar makes reliable identification, functional analysis and quantitative description of explicit evaluation forms, and further validates and develops the attitude system of evaluation theory, which is a useful supplement to the method of evaluating lexicon. In addition, compared with the register model of systemic functional grammar, the syntactic structure of transitive grammar and the aggregate system of language as a whole, local grammar advocates the co-occurrence context view of horizontal and vertical interweaving, and constructs the local grammatical configuration of lexical and type combination. The cooccurrence and intertextuality of specific functional sublanguages are obviously complementary. This indicates that local grammar can build a bridge between corpus linguistics and systemic functional linguistics and promote their further integration in the study of linguistic meaning.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学外国语学院;


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