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发布时间:2018-05-09 06:19

  本文选题:风格翻译 + 风格标记理论 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在这个世界文化交流愈发密切的时代,人们对翻译质量的要求也不断上升。好的翻译不仅要求内容意义上对等还要求风格一致。然而文学作品的风格是个相对抽象的概念,译作与原著如何达到风格对等成为译者的关注点。刘宓庆提出的风格标记理论为翻译作品风格提供了可靠依据,通过分析作品的语言风格,将作品语言标记分为形式标记:音系标记、语域标记、句法标记、词语标记、章法标记和修辞标记以及非形式标记:表现法、作品内在素质、作家精神气质。同时,《见闻札记》作为美国文学之父---华盛顿欧文的代表作,有其独特的风格特征。自《见闻札记》于1820年出版以来,不少译者对其中名篇进行翻译,而Hong Ming和Gao Jian两位译者都将原文翻译为现代白话文,且都出版于2011年。因此,本文利用刘宓庆提出的风格标记理论对Hong Ming和Gao Jian两位译者的《见闻札记》的译本进行对比研究。在没有时代差异和目的语差异的前提下,通过描述、对比、分析演绎的方法以原文和译文中实例为例证进行对比分析。首先对文章研究背景、创新点及理论和实际研究意义进行说明。接着,总结了前人对风格及风格翻译和见闻札记的相关研究;其次,运用风格标记理论的形式标记对Hong Ming和Gao Jian的两个中译本在音系标记、语域标记、句法标记、词语标记和章法标记方面进行分析对比;进而对其在表现法、作品内在素质和作家精神气质方面的非形式标记进行分析对比;最终总结两个译本在特定标记方面所表现出的风格方面翻译的优缺点,并对本研究缺陷进行说明,从而提出对进一步研究方向、内容、方法以及风格翻译对比分析的建议。
[Abstract]:In this era of closer cultural exchange, the quality of translation is also increasing. Good translation requires not only equivalence in content but also consistency in style. However, the style of literary works is a relatively abstract concept. Liu Miqing's stylistic marking theory provides a reliable basis for the style of translated works. By analyzing the language style of the works, the linguistic markers are divided into formal markers: phonetic marks, register marks, syntactic marks, word markers. Textual and rhetorical marks as well as non-formal marks: expressive method, internal quality of works, writer's spiritual temperament. At the same time, as the representative work of Washington Irving, the father of American literature, Notes on seeing and hearing has its unique style. Since the publication of Notes on seeing and hearing in 1820, quite a number of translators have translated the masterpieces, while Hong Ming and Gao Jian both translated the original text into modern vernacular and both of them were published in 2011. Therefore, based on the stylistic Marker Theory proposed by Liu Miqing, this paper makes a contrastive study of the translation of Hong Ming and Gao Jian's Notes on seeing and hearing. On the premise of no time difference and target language difference, the method of analysis and deduction takes the examples of the original text and the target language as an example to make a contrastive analysis by means of description, contrast and deduction. First of all, the research background, innovation and theoretical and practical research significance are explained. Then, it summarizes the previous researches on style, style translation and reading notes. Secondly, the two Chinese versions of Hong Ming and Gao Jian are labeled with stylistic markers in phonological, register and syntactic markers. Then, the author analyzes and compares the non-formal marks of expression, internal quality of the work and the spiritual temperament of the writer, and makes an analysis and comparison between the tagging of words and the mark of the method of composition. Finally, this paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two versions in terms of style translation, and explains the shortcomings of this study, and puts forward some suggestions for further research direction, content, methods and style translation contrastive analysis.


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