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发布时间:2018-05-10 08:34

  本文选题:品牌商标 + 品牌附加值 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年02期

[Abstract]:This paper first briefly expounds the relationship between tea culture and tea brand trademark, and analyzes the misunderstanding of English translation of tea brand trademark in China. On the basis of this, some suggestions are put forward on the English translation strategy of the brand brand trademark of "tea" from the perspective of tea culture. The relationship between tea culture and tea brand trademark mainly lies in: tea brand trademark contains tea culture; tea culture promotes brand added value of tea brand trademark. At present, there are three main misunderstandings in English translation of domestic tea brand trademarks: one-sided catering to foreigners' aesthetic standards, lack of cultural characteristics in the translation of tea brand trademarks, transliteration directly from Pinyin, which leads to confusion among foreign consumers; Ignoring the existence of cultural differences affects foreign consumers' desire to buy. From the perspective of tea culture, the English translation strategy of "tea" brand trademark can try to preserve the implication of tea culture in China and adopt "transliteration method" appropriately.
【作者单位】: 华北理工大学轻工学院国际语言学院;


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