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发布时间:2018-05-10 22:01

  本文选题:中文歌词 + 变译理论 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Five thousand years of brilliant Chinese civilization, cultural achievements attracted worldwide attention, a variety of music types is one of them. Nowadays, how to protect and disseminate these artistic achievements has become a hot topic, and how to translate and perform folk songs, plays and performances has been rarely studied. Therefore, based on the theory of variable translation, this paper analyzes and discusses the translation of Chinese songs from the perspective of translatability and transmissibility. Finally, based on the analysis results, the characteristics of Huayin cavity are briefly summarized and translated. In order to guide translation practice, the author adopts the methods of investigation, case study and literature study. Based on the analysis of some popular songs translated into English by the public on the Internet, it is found that these works can be adapted to the methods of compiling, describing, writing and copying in the theory of variable translation, and should be adjusted in different degrees according to the situation. Then it analyzes the folk songs of Wenshilong and Northern Shaanxi, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing works from three aspects of language, culture and music, and puts forward the optimization scheme from the whole. Finally, the untranslated works of Huayin are selected for translation, and the results obtained from the above analysis are further demonstrated. The paper has some breakthroughs in the following aspects: first, select samples more representative. The samples of popular songs selected in this paper are all works that the Chinese public can hear on the Internet. The analysis is based on the sample of the lyrics actually sung, and the results are more instructive in practice. Second, the translation of singing as the main evaluation criteria, to serve the practice, to get rid of the limitations of talking on paper. Third, put forward the point of view of melodic translation. Considering the relationship between national language and folk music, in order to meet the appreciation needs of the target audience while translating the lyrics, we should adjust them properly on the premise of maintaining the essence of the original song. Fourth, the research results and the self-argument of the translated works. In this paper, the translation of Huayin's old chamber works is tried, and the translated works are verified by the audience.


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