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发布时间:2018-05-11 10:49

  本文选题:初中英语学困生 + 学习动机 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English has been valued by more and more people, because it is not only a tool for communication in the world, but also one of the necessary conditions for us to go to the world. English education occupies a very important position in our educational system. Junior high school is the basic stage for students to learn English, and students have a strong plasticity at this stage, however, In the course of English learning, many factors affect the students' poor results. In the practice of teaching, many students who have difficulties in English learning are often called "learning difficulties". Cognitive and emotional factors affect students' learning. Motivation is an important aspect of emotional factors, and it is for students. Learning success or not plays a decisive role. Therefore, this paper, starting with the students' learning motivation, analyzes the types of students' learning motivation in junior high school and the motivational factors that influence the learning of students with difficulties, and aims to answer by the support of the relevant theoretical basis. What are the following questions: 1) what are the characteristics of English learning motivation for junior high school students? 2) what are the factors affecting the learning motivation of students with difficulties in learning? According to the data analysis, the following main research findings are as follows: (1) the instrumental motivation of the students in junior high school English learning is obviously higher than that of the integration motivation, that is, the main purpose of the study is to find good work and pass the examination. They want to achieve their goals in high school and so on; the external motivation is larger than the internal motivation. In particular, the main motivation of these students to learn English is the main factors that affect the learning motivation of the students: the students' learning interest, the learning attitude, the learning strategy, the attribution of academic achievement; The students' self-confidence and self-efficacy; the relationship between teachers and students; the degree of parents' concern. In view of the results, the author puts forward some suggestions to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of students with difficulties in learning and improve their English Academic Achievements: 1) suggestions for teachers: to cultivate the learning interest of students in junior middle school English learning by means of various means and stimulate learning movement. To strengthen teachers' self-cultivation, establish good relationship between teachers and students, guide the correct attribution of students with learning difficulties, and so on.2) to students' suggestions: correct English learning attitude, cultivate interest in learning, explore efficient learning strategies, and enhance self-efficacy.



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