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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:27

  本文选题:策略准备 + 流利度 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着任务型教学法的广泛应用,二语教学中的任务因素日益受到研究者的关注。Skehan(1998)认为,任务的实施过程对学习者产出质量具有至关重要的作用,因此设计有效的任务前准备活动非常有必要。“计划/准备”在任务前阶段扮演着非常重要的角色,特别是在完成那些高认知需要的任务前阶段。目前,大多数研究都集中于计划对口语任务的影响,对写作的影响研究相对较少,且研究结果不一。此外,以往研究很少对比不同的任务前准备活动对写作的影响差异。本研究旨在探讨任务前的策略准备对中国英语学习者议论文写作的影响。具体来说就是不同的策略准备内容(词汇准备,构思及结构组织)对写作的各个方面的影响差异。本研究以Kellogg的写作模型以及Skehan的注意力资源有限为理论,以江西某高校64名非英语专业大一学生为被试。受试被随机分为四个组,包括一个控制组和三个实验组。在实验过程中,控制组的学生被要求立即开始写作,而三个实验组的学生在开始写作前按要求完成不同的写前准备任务(词汇匹配,想法罗列及列提纲)。最后研究者根据所选测量指标对实验收集的所有作文进行计算和分析,并计算出其流利度、准确度、复杂度及总体分数。之后,实验所得数据通过SPSS 17.0进行分析统计。研究结果表明,写前准备对大学生议论文写作的积极影响受制于不同的准备活动。结构组织组和构思组在作文总体水平及流利度(length of text)方面都明显高于控制组。三个实验组的准确度都明显高于无准备的控制组。然而,实验组和控制组在句法复杂度指标上无明显差异,但词汇准备组和构思组的词汇复杂度显著高于无准备组。另外,三个实验组对比结果显示,构思组和结构组织组在流利度、准确度及总体水平方面无明显差异,均明显高于词汇准备组,而词汇准备组和构思组的词汇复杂度都明显高于结构组织组。本研究的结果发现,构思是提高写作最有效的准备活动。基于以上研究结果,本研究对二语写作教学具有一定的启示意义。首先,在写作教学中,教师可以在任务前给予准备时间,指导学生如何合理安排写作时间,以此来降低任务施予学生的认知压力,从而提高学生英语写作能力。其次,教师在写作课堂上可以设计各种准备活动,训练学生在写作中能根据不同的写作要求来选择适合的准备策略。此外,本研究还对二语写作的任务型教学法带来启示。为了使任务型教学法更有效地提高学生二语写作水平,教师应该充分考虑如何安排所选取任务的顺序,以及如何合理地实施任务。
[Abstract]:With the extensive application of task-based approach, the task factor in L2 teaching has attracted more and more attention from researchers. Skehaner 1998) believes that task implementation plays an important role in the quality of learners' output. Therefore, it is necessary to design effective pre-mission preparation activities. "Planning / preparation" plays a very important role in the pre-task phase, especially in the pre-task phase of completing those high cognitive needs. At present, most of the studies focus on the effects of planning on oral tasks, and the impact on writing is relatively small, and the results are different. In addition, previous studies have rarely compared the effects of different pre-task preparation activities on writing. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of pre-task strategy preparation on argumentative writing of Chinese EFL learners. Specifically, the different content of strategy preparation (vocabulary preparation, conception and structure organization) has different effects on all aspects of writing. Based on Kellogg's writing model and Skehan's limited attention resources, 64 non-English major freshmen in a Jiangxi university were selected as subjects. The subjects were randomly divided into four groups, including a control group and three experimental groups. In the course of the experiment, the students in the control group were asked to start writing immediately, while the students in the three experimental groups were asked to complete different tasks (vocabulary matching, idea listing, and outline) before they started writing. Finally, the researchers calculated and analyzed all the compositions collected according to the selected measurement index, and calculated their fluency, accuracy, complexity and total score. After that, the experimental data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0. The results show that the positive effects of pre-writing preparation on argumentative writing of college students are restricted by different preparation activities. The structural organization group and the conception group were significantly higher in composition overall level and fluency than those in the control group. The accuracy of the three experimental groups was significantly higher than that of the unprepared control group. However, there was no significant difference in syntactic complexity between the experimental group and the control group, but the lexical complexity of the lexical preparation group and the conception group was significantly higher than that of the unprepared group. In addition, there were no significant differences in fluency, accuracy and overall level between the conceptual group and the structural organization group, which were significantly higher than those in the lexical preparation group. The lexical complexity of the lexical preparation group and the conceptual group were significantly higher than that of the structural organization group. The results of this study show that conception is the most effective preparation for writing. Based on the above findings, this study has some implications for the teaching of second language writing. First of all, in writing teaching, teachers can give preparation time before the task and guide students how to arrange the writing time reasonably, so as to reduce the cognitive pressure imposed by the task and improve the students' English writing ability. Secondly, teachers can design various preparation activities in writing class, and train students to choose suitable preparation strategies according to different writing requirements. In addition, the present study has implications for the task-based approach to second language writing. In order to improve the students' writing ability more effectively, teachers should consider how to arrange the selected tasks and how to carry out the tasks reasonably.


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