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发布时间:2018-05-11 13:22

  本文选题:《浮躁》 + 葛浩文 ; 参考:《江苏科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:文化负载词凸显出一个民族的特色和文化。一方面,文化负载词所蕴含的独特性和差异性造成了不同文化之间交流的困难和障碍;另一方面,文化负载词承载的文化信息量大,是了解异质文化的重要媒介。因此,针对文化负载词的翻译研究就有其重要性与必要性。文化操纵理论(Manipulation Theory)是翻译研究文化学派的核心理论。操纵学派代表人物安德烈·勒菲弗尔(AndréLefevere)认为,在翻译过程中,基于文本外因素,需要对原文进行改写。翻译在一定程度上是对原作的操纵,而翻译活动本身又受到赞助人、诗学和意识形态三因素的操纵。本文以文化派操纵理论为理论框架,以葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)英译贾平凹小说《浮躁》为研究对象,采用奈达对文化负载词的分类模式,将葛译本中的文化负载词分为五类,即生态文化、物质文化、社会文化、宗教文化和语言文化负载词。而后从操纵理论三因素的视角切入,对葛译本中的文化负载词翻译策略与翻译技巧的选择进行分析,旨在揭示葛译本如何体现出操纵理论三因素对翻译的改写和操纵。本研究发现,在翻译贾平凹《浮躁》中的上述五类文化负载词时,为迎合目标语读者的理解和审美需求,葛浩文采取了不同的翻译策略和技巧,主要包括直译加注法、意译法、替代法和阐释法;同时在翻译过程中葛浩文还受到赞助人、意识形态和诗学观三因素的影响:1.赞助人操纵主要体现在葛浩文为重视赞助人的期待效果,在翻译过程中有意识或无意识地对原作中的文化负载词进行一定程度的改写;2.诗学观操纵主要体现在习语俗语谚语等此类文化负载词的翻译符合所处时代的主流诗学;3.意识形态操纵主要体现在对宗教文化负载词的翻译上,葛浩文强化西方宗教文化,弱化东方佛教和道教文化。在操纵理论三因素影响下,适当处理文学作品中的文化负载词的翻译,使译本在尽可能保持原文风格的同时关注到译语读者的期待视野,进而将中华民族特色文化介绍给外国读者,并为之所理解和接受。《浮躁》中蕴含大量独具浓厚乡土气息的中华文化负载词,而葛浩文译本是迄今唯一的英译本,在研究贾平凹作品的海外传播中有着举足轻重的作用。本文选取《浮躁》葛译本作为研究对象,探讨翻译文本及翻译现象背后存在的文化操控因素,以期对当下中国文学的英译产生积极的作用,为进一步推动中国文学走出去贡献绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Culture-loaded words highlight the characteristics and culture of a nation. On the one hand, the uniqueness and difference of culture-loaded words lead to the difficulties and obstacles of communication between different cultures; on the other hand, culture-loaded words carry a large amount of cultural information, which is an important medium for understanding heterogeneous cultures. Therefore, it is important and necessary to study the translation of culture-loaded words. Cultural manipulation Theory is the core theory of cultural school in translation studies. Andr 茅 Lefeverere, the representative of manipulation school, believes that in the process of translation, it is necessary to rewrite the original text based on external factors. To some extent, translation is the manipulation of the original, and the translation itself is manipulated by three factors: patronage, poetics and ideology. Taking the theory of cultural manipulation as the theoretical framework, and taking Jia Pingao's fictions "impetuous" as the research object, this paper classifies the culture-loaded words into five categories, ecological culture, by Nida's classification model of culture-loaded words. Material culture, social culture, religious culture and language culture loaded words. Then, from the perspective of three factors of manipulation theory, this paper analyzes the translation strategies and translation techniques of culture-loaded words in GE's translation, in order to reveal how GE's translation reflects the rewriting and manipulation of translation by the three factors of manipulation theory. The present study finds that in translating the above five culture-loaded words in Jia Pingao "impetuous", in order to meet the needs of the target readers' understanding and aesthetic appreciation, the author has adopted different translation strategies and techniques, including literal annotation and free translation. In the process of translation, the author is also influenced by three factors: patronage, ideology and poetics. Patronage manipulation is mainly reflected in that in order to attach importance to the expected effect of patrons, the author consciously or unconsciously rewrites the culture-loaded words in the original works to a certain extent in the process of translation. The manipulation of poetics is mainly reflected in the translation of such culture-loaded words as idioms and proverbs in line with the mainstream poetics of the times. Ideological manipulation is mainly reflected in the translation of words loaded with religion and culture, while Gehor strengthens western religious culture and weakens oriental Buddhism and Taoist culture. Under the influence of three factors of manipulation theory, the translation of culture-loaded words in literary works should be properly handled so that the translation can keep the original style as far as possible while paying close attention to the target readers' horizon of expectation. Then the characteristic culture of the Chinese nation is introduced to foreign readers, understood and accepted by it. There are a large number of Chinese culture-loaded words with strong local flavor in impetuosity, and the translation of GE Haowen is the only English version so far. It plays an important role in studying the overseas dissemination of Jia Pingao works. This paper selects GE version of impetuosity as the research object to explore the cultural manipulation factors behind the translation text and translation phenomenon in order to play a positive role in the current English translation of Chinese literature. To further promote the Chinese literature to go out of the contribution of a modest force.


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