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发布时间:2018-05-11 13:44

  本文选题:阅读理解 + 视觉工作记忆 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为一项复杂的心理过程,阅读过程涉及很多因素,包括语言因素和非语言因素。词汇、短语、句子结构等都属于语言因素,而背景知识、文本信息和阅读策略等属于非语言因素。这些因素对阅读理解产生不同程度的影响,而本研究主要从工作记忆和词汇知识方面对阅读理解进行研究。研究以艺术专业大二学生为研究对象,将工作记忆和词汇结合起来探讨其对英语阅读理解的影响。研究主要围绕以下三个问题展开:第一、视、听工作记忆和词汇量与阅读理解的相关程度如何?第二、阅读能力高者和阅读能力低者在视、听工作记忆和词汇量水平上存在什么差异?第三、工作记忆和词汇量对阅读理解的贡献程度如何?本研究以山东省济南市某大学102名艺术专业大二学生为研究对象。测量工具包括:视觉工作记忆测试、听觉工作记忆测试、词汇量测试和阅读理解测试。这些测试都是借鉴前人研究并且在此基础上进行了修改。所有测试都在英语课上完成,除工作记忆的测试为单独施测以外,其余测试均为集体施测。使用SPSS 20.0进行数据分析。相关分析表明,视、听工作记忆和词汇量与阅读理解存在相关关系。独立样本t检验显示,阅读能力高者与阅读能力低者在视、听工作记忆和词汇量水平上均存在显著差异。回归分析的结果表明,工作记忆对阅读理解有独立的预测作用,词汇量对阅读理解水平起不到预测作用;在对艺术专业学生阅读理解的影响上,听觉工作记忆的影响最大。本研究兼具理论和实践意义。理论上,此研究有助于更好的理解国内艺术专业学生工作记忆、词汇量和阅读理解之间的关系。实践上,针对研究结果可以得出结论,工作记忆,尤其是听觉工作记忆应该得到强化和训练。
[Abstract]:As a complex psychological process, the reading process involves many factors, including linguistic factors and non-linguistic factors. Vocabulary, phrase and sentence structure all belong to linguistic factors, while background knowledge, text information and reading strategies belong to non-linguistic factors. These factors have different effects on reading comprehension, and this study mainly studies reading comprehension from working memory and vocabulary knowledge. In this study, the effects of working memory and vocabulary on English reading comprehension were studied. The research focuses on the following three questions: first, what is the correlation between auditory working memory and vocabulary and reading comprehension? Second, what are the differences in the levels of visual, auditory working memory and vocabulary between those with high reading ability and those with low reading ability? Third, what is the contribution of working memory and vocabulary to reading comprehension? This study is based on 102 sophomores majoring in art at a university in Jinan, Shandong Province. Measurement tools include: visual working memory test, auditory working memory test, vocabulary test and reading comprehension test. These tests are based on previous studies and have been modified on this basis. All the tests were completed in English class, except for working memory test, all the tests were performed in groups. SPSS 20.0 was used for data analysis. Correlation analysis showed that visual, auditory working memory and vocabulary were correlated with reading comprehension. T test of independent samples showed that there were significant differences in visual, auditory working memory and vocabulary level between those with high reading ability and those with low reading ability. The results of regression analysis showed that working memory had an independent predictive effect on reading comprehension, but vocabulary size had no predictive effect on reading comprehension level, and auditory working memory had the greatest effect on reading comprehension of art majors. This study has both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, this study helps to better understand the relationship between working memory, vocabulary and reading comprehension. In practice, it can be concluded that working memory, especially auditory working memory, should be strengthened and trained.


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