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发布时间:2018-05-13 14:15

  本文选题:大学英语写作 + 中介语 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Interlanguage and fossilization were first proposed by English linguist Selinker1969. He believes that 95% of L2 learners have fossilized phenomena and their language proficiency is not equal to that of native language learners. Interlanguage fossilization is a common phenomenon in second language acquisition. The study of interlanguage has always been a hot topic in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). In the study of interlanguage, fossilization is also a major research focus, foreign scholars have done a lot of research on it. However, the research of interlanguage fossilization has started relatively late, and has mainly focused on the introduction, evaluation and verification of foreign research achievements, and has not formed its own independent, perfect and influential theory. In order to help Chinese second language learners to build a set of delayed interlanguage fossilization phenomenon theory system. In the teaching of college English writing in China, most teachers find that there are some repetitive errors in the students' compositions, even if the correction will still occur again, so the students' writing level has been stagnant. As the basis of writing, vocabulary learning plays an important role in the improvement of writing level. At the same time, the fossilization of vocabulary will hinder the improvement of writing level. Based on the observation and reflection of college students' lexical errors in English writing and the stagnation of their writing ability, this paper takes this as a starting point to explore the phenomenon of lexical fossilization in college students' English writing. The following questions are raised: (1) is there a phenomenon of lexical fossilization in college students' English writing? (2) what is the specific distribution of lexical fossilization? (3) what are the factors leading to lexical fossilization and the strategies to avoid it? Through the research and analysis of the collected English composition and the questionnaire survey, the following findings are made in this thesis: (1) there is indeed lexical fossilization in college students' English writing. The author finds that all kinds of lexical fossilization of parts of speech are embodied, and lists the specific distribution of lexical fossilization. (3) based on the analysis of the questionnaire, the author makes a tentative analysis of the causes of the phenomenon of lexical fossilization. The main factors of lexical fossilization are: lack of understanding of fossilization; negative migration of mother tongue; lack of appropriate target language input; inappropriate learning strategies; inadequate writing feedback; lack of motivation and over-generalization of the target language. At the end of the paper, according to the causes of lexical fossilization, the author puts forward some suggestions on the future college English writing and overcoming the phenomenon of fossilization: enhancing the awareness of lexical fossilization, reducing the negative migration of native language; Improve the input quality of the target language and enhance the writing feedback. The cause analysis of lexical fossilization provides a new idea for eliminating lexical fossilization and improving writing ability. At the same time, the research of this paper can be used for reference to further improve the teaching of college English writing in Chinese environment.


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