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发布时间:2018-05-14 10:44

  本文选题:翻译史 + 《文学翻译报》 ; 参考:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a diachronic study of literary translation newspaper edited by du Chengnan and Cao Minglun in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was the only monthly newspaper of literary translation in the country at that time, although it had only gone through a short period of four years. But it was an important platform for literary translators to conduct academic exchanges and practical translation exploration. To some extent, the Literary Translation Journal reflected the academic trends of Sichuan translation circles and the activities of translators at that time. It is an important document in the study of the history of regional translation in Sichuan. After consulting the relevant materials, we find that most of the studies on translation history are based on the time, through the well-known translators. In addition, emphasis is placed on the study of monographs, some of which have been strengthened in the history of translation. However, the translation and introduction of literature with newspaper as the carrier is seldom concerned in the study of the history of translation in China, and needs further exploration and discussion. In view of the fact that there is no systematic study on the newspaper at present, this paper, from the perspective of the study of translation history, takes the Literary Translation Journal itself as the object of study, focuses on the text and historical data, and draws lessons from the conceptual tools of cultural studies in translation studies. In this paper, a descriptive study is carried out to study the translation history of Sichuan. With the help of Professor Cao Minglun, the author obtained a copy of the first to the 50th issues of the Literary Translation Journal (No. 41 / 42), which covers the period from January 1989 to March 1993. This paper first classifies the literary translations in newspapers and analyzes its overall characteristics. It is found that it has a large number of columns and a wide coverage, which reflects the situation of the translation community at that time. The Literary Translation Journal plays an important role in the cultivation of translators, and in the translation field, there are more countries and more genres, which can promote the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. In terms of translation, the content is clean and its media features also influence the selection of materials. Secondly, this paper also focuses on the translation controversy which has a great impact on the literary translation newspaper, in order to understand the focal point of the debate in translation circles at that time and to provide some reference for the later poetry translation. Finally, the paper summarizes the status and significance of literary translation newspaper in the history of Sichuan translation, and its important role in the history of translation is beyond doubt. The study of the newspaper is a powerful supplement to the history of translation in Sichuan, and fully proves and affirms the important contributions made by translators and scholars to the study of translation theory and practice. Therefore, this study has the important literature significance of translation history.


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