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发布时间:2018-05-14 15:28

  本文选题:电话商务谈判 + 交替传译 ; 参考:《广西民族大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:自改革开放以来,随着我国对外贸易不断的发展,中外企业合作往来也变得日益频繁。由于地域的原因,中外企业双方很难进行实时的面谈,一定程度上影响双方的合作进度,并且高频率出差面谈会增加企业运营成本,也违背了当今所提倡的低碳环保理念,因此电话商务谈判成为当今中外企业合作的主要交流手段之一。本报告基于2016年11月18日笔者承担的广西南宁市兴全万食品有限公司与柬埔寨Indochina Rice Mill Limited公司之间进行的电话商务谈判英汉双语交传口译任务。报告详细介绍了译前准备,并针对译中出现的具体问题,从释意学派理论的角度进行案例分析,探讨笔者所采取的翻译策略与处理办法是否得当,以期为电话商务谈判口译提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the continuous development of China's foreign trade, the cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises has become more and more frequent. Due to geographical reasons, it is very difficult for both Chinese and foreign enterprises to conduct real-time interviews, which to a certain extent affect the progress of cooperation between the two sides, and the high frequency of travel interviews will increase the operating costs of enterprises and run counter to the concept of low-carbon environmental protection advocated today. Therefore, telephone business negotiation has become one of the main means of communication between Chinese and foreign enterprises. This report is based on the task of telephone business negotiation between Xingquan Wan Food Co., Ltd., Nanning City, Guangxi, and Indochina Rice Mill Limited Company of Cambodia, which was undertaken by the author on November 18, 2016. The report introduces the pre-translation preparation in detail, and analyzes the specific problems in translation from the perspective of the interpretive school of thought, and discusses whether the translation strategies and approaches adopted by the author are appropriate or not. In order to provide a certain reference for telephone business negotiation interpretation.


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1 黄雪芳;;浅谈商务英语谈判翻译原则及口译技巧应用[J];中国商贸;2012年20期

2 杨盼;;从释意理论的翻译三角模式分析商务口译者能力要素的构成[J];商业文化(上半月);2011年03期

3 王敏;;浅谈国际商务谈判的常用技巧[J];科技资讯;2010年23期

4 张吉良;;巴黎释意学派口译理论成就谈[J];中国科技翻译;2009年04期

5 刘和平;;法国释意理论:质疑与探讨[J];中国翻译;2006年04期

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1 张俊良;释意派理论指导下的商务谈判口译实践分析报告[D];天津理工大学;2014年

2 徐文君;释意理论视角下商务谈判口译研究[D];信阳师范学院;2014年

3 杨晨曦;口译的技巧与策略在商务谈判中的应用[D];哈尔滨师范大学;2013年




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