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发布时间:2018-05-14 15:51

  本文选题:维吾尔族初中生 + 英语写作 ; 参考:《伊犁师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For Xinjiang Uygur students, English is learned consciously in class. As one of the major ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, the Uyghurs began to learn their mother tongue, Uyghur and second language, Chinese, and the third language, English, from a young age. Mother-tongue-Uygur and second-language-Chinese will affect Uighur students' third language English learning. As a kind of language output, writing is an important link in foreign language learning. Especially for Uyghur students, English writing is a difficult part of foreign language learning. Uighur students often have different types of errors in their English compositions. The theory of cross-language influence has developed from contrastive analysis hypothesis to concept transfer hypothesis. The main theoretical source of conceptual transfer hypothesis is the weak hypothesis in Sapir-Wolff hypothesis, that is, language influences thinking. Conceptual transfer refers to the transfer of the way of thinking of one language to the mode of thinking of another language. This cross-lingual influence can be positive or negative. At home and abroad, error analysis has been used to understand learners' second language acquisition. This paper is based on comparative analysis theory, error analysis theory and conceptual transfer theory. The author makes a contrastive study on the errors in the writing of Uygur and Han junior high school students. The subjects of the study are Han and Uygur junior high school students, and the contents of the study are errors in English composition of Uygur and Han junior high school students. The data in this paper come from the eighth grade students in the 18th Middle School of Yining City. 130 compositions were collected. Through the classification, description and statistics of the errors in the collected compositions, we try to solve the following three questions: 1. What are the types of errors in English writing of Uygur and Han junior high school students? What is the distribution of errors? Uygur junior high school students in English writing, the error from Uygur language and Chinese interference degree is different. From the perspective of conceptual transfer, what are the causes of errors in Uygur junior high school students' English writing? The results show that the errors in English writing of Uygur and Han junior high school students can be divided into two categories: language based errors and source-based errors. Language-based errors include lexical errors, morphological errors and syntactic errors. Syntactic errors account for the largest proportion, and source-based errors mainly include interlingual errors and intra-lingual errors, among which interlingual errors account for the largest proportion. In English writing of Uygur junior high school students, Han nationality students are influenced by Chinese transfer in English writing. Uygur students are influenced not only by Chinese transfer but also by Uygur language transfer in English writing. However, the influence of Chinese transfer is far greater than that of Uygur language transfer. From the perspective of concept transfer, combined with the hypothesis of compound concept representation system proposed by Jarvis, the factors influencing Uygur junior high school students' English writing errors can be divided into three aspects: misuse of concept based on mother tongue; Error construction based on shared concept and error construction based on second language concept. Finally, according to the characteristics of Uygur junior high school students' writing errors, some enlightenments are given.


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