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发布时间:2018-05-15 06:38

  本文选题:词汇记忆策略 + 词汇教学 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:词汇作为语言的载体,与语言是紧密相关的。可以说没有词汇,也就没有语言。因此,词汇是培养语言交际和语言综合运用能力不可或缺的部分。自二十世纪七十年代以来,虽然越来越多的学者开始意识到词汇教学在外语教学过程中的重要性,但对于初中生来说,传统的词汇教学模式以及大量的词汇输入导致大多数学生陷入了词汇学习的困境。所以,积极探索、总结出有效的词汇记忆来代替像死记硬背的传统词汇记忆策略是词汇教学的关键。但是,从之前的文献研究来看,大部分的研究是关于高年级学生词汇记忆策略使用的一般性、概况性分析描述,而相对初中生进行词汇记忆策略的实证研究较少。基于以上情况考虑,本研究采用量化和质化研究相结合的研究方法,以杭州文海实验中学的两个初三平行班的76名学生作为研究对象,探讨分析他们的词汇记忆策略使用情况以及词汇学习中所遇到的问题。依据Schmitt(1997)的词汇记忆策略分类,笔者采用了其中12种词汇记忆策略制作了词汇记忆策略的使用情况的问卷调查。考察这两个平行班的使用词汇记忆策略的问卷调查结果,笔者从中选取了四种使用频率较低但更有效的词汇记忆策略来对实验班进行为期三个月的策略教学。本研究将回答以下三个问题:1.当前初中的词汇记忆策略的使用现状是怎么样的?2.词汇记忆策略是否能提高实验班学生的词汇记忆能力?3.本实验如何影响学生词汇策略的运用?在本次研究中,主要有两种实验工具:一是关于词汇记忆策略问卷,另一种是关于词汇能力水平测试卷。所以从问卷以及词汇测试卷得到的数据都会采用SPSS 16.0进行概括性描述分析,独立样本T检验以及相依样本T检验,结果发现:首先,学生有一定的采用不同词汇记忆策略来巩固词汇记忆的意识。然而,大部分学生仍然考死记硬背来说记忆单词,词汇记忆策略使用状况不尽人意。其次,在经过词汇记忆策略教学展示后,实验班的学生词汇测试成绩有了很大提高,与对照班成绩存在显著性差异。最后,实验班学生开始频繁使用更有效的记忆策略来代替传统记忆方式,如死记硬背,重复策略,取而代之的是更有效的词汇记忆策略。由此可见,教师教会学生如何去记忆单词,学生从中掌握并灵活运用词汇记忆策略来掌握更多的单词从而减轻英语学习压力是十分必要的。
[Abstract]:As the carrier of language, vocabulary is closely related to language. You can say that without words, there would be no language. Therefore, vocabulary is an indispensable part of developing language communication and comprehensive language use ability. Since the 1970s, although more and more scholars have begun to realize the importance of vocabulary teaching in the process of foreign language teaching, for junior high school students, The traditional vocabulary teaching mode and a large number of vocabulary input lead most students into the dilemma of vocabulary learning. Therefore, the key to vocabulary teaching is to actively explore and summarize effective vocabulary memory instead of traditional memorizing strategies such as rote memorization. However, from the previous literature studies, most of the research is on the use of vocabulary memory strategies of senior students, general analysis and description, but compared with junior high school students, there are few empirical studies on vocabulary memory strategies. Based on the above considerations, this study adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative research, and takes 76 students in two parallel classes in Hangzhou Wenhai Experimental Middle School as the research objects. This paper analyzes the use of vocabulary memory strategies and the problems encountered in vocabulary learning. According to the classification of vocabulary memory strategies proposed by Schmitt / 1997, the author used 12 of them to make a questionnaire survey on the use of vocabulary memory strategies. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey on the use of vocabulary memory strategies in the two parallel classes, the author selects four less frequently used and more effective vocabulary memory strategies to teach the experimental class for three months. This study will answer the following three questions: 1. What is the current situation of the use of vocabulary memory strategies in junior high school? Whether the vocabulary memory strategy can improve the students' vocabulary memory ability in the experimental class? How does this experiment affect the use of students' vocabulary strategies? In this study, there are two main experimental tools: one is about the vocabulary memory strategy questionnaire, the other is about the vocabulary proficiency test. So the data obtained from the questionnaire and vocabulary test will be analyzed by SPSS 16.0, independent sample T test and dependent sample T test. The results are as follows: first of all, Students have adopted different vocabulary memory strategies to consolidate their awareness of vocabulary memory. However, most students still memorize words by rote, and the use of vocabulary memory strategies is unsatisfactory. Secondly, after the teaching of vocabulary memory strategies, the test scores of the students in the experimental class have been greatly improved, and there is a significant difference between the results of the experimental class and that of the control class. Finally, the experimental class students frequently use more effective memory strategies instead of traditional memory methods, such as rote memorization, repetition strategies, and more effective vocabulary memory strategies. It can be seen that teachers teach students how to memorize words, and it is necessary for students to master and flexibly use vocabulary memory strategies to master more words so as to reduce the pressure on English learning.


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