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发布时间:2018-05-16 04:29

  本文选题:中西 + 茶文化 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Tea culture is an important part of national culture and has a profound influence on Chinese and western literary and artistic creation. Based on the theory of translation adaptation, this paper introduces the formation, development and elements of the theory, and introduces the translation of tea names and tea utensils. In this paper, four aspects of tea ceremony translation and tea poem translation are given as examples to analyze the translation strategies and communication effects of Chinese and western tea culture, and it is pointed out that translators should adhere to the principles of "faithfulness" and "adaptation" in their translation. Based on the deep culture and aesthetic meaning of the original text, and in accordance with the author's creative intention, the author adopts the expressive and logical methods which are popular among the target language readers to convey the tea culture positively and effectively. To promote cultural exchange and integration between China and the West.
【作者单位】: 咸阳师范学院;


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