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发布时间:2018-05-16 07:05

  本文选题:翻译实践报告 + 《理论对译者有用吗——象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:《理论对译者有用吗——象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》是英国翻译学者安德鲁·切斯特曼与欧盟译者艾玛·瓦格纳合著的对话型学术著作。作者现以第一章Is Translation Theory Relevant to Translators’Problems?和第二章Who am I?What am I doing?作为本次翻译实践报告的翻译文本。在这两个章节中,两位作者围绕翻译理论存在的意义与译者的身份问题展开讨论,深入讨论了翻译理论的功能和译者所扮演的角色。源文本以口语对话的形式展现在读者面前,但内容却主要是严肃的学术成果。译者在对作品仔细分析的基础上,依据纽马克的交际翻译理论,在词汇层面、句法层面和表达层面都进行了适当的处理与调整,铲除了译语读者的阅读障碍和理解障碍,力图对目的语读者产生尽可能接近原作读者所获得的效果,使口语语体与严肃的学术内容相互融合。通过此次的翻译实践,笔者获益匪浅,理论素养和翻译水平都得到了一定的提升。同时,笔者也深切意识到,要想做好翻译,源语和目标语的语言能力都要过硬。要成为一名合格的译者,还有很远的路要走。
[Abstract]:"is Theory useful to translators-the Dialogue between the Ivory Tower and the language face?" is an academic work on discourse written by Andrew Chesterman, a British translator, and Emma Wagner, a European translator. Is Translation Theory Relevant to TranslatorsProblems. And Who am I?What am I doing? As the translated text of this translation practice report. In these two chapters, the author discusses the meaning of translation theory and the identity of the translator, and discusses the function of translation theory and the role played by the translator. The source text is presented in the form of oral dialogue, but the content is mainly a serious academic achievement. On the basis of careful analysis of the works and according to Newmark's communicative translation theory, the translator has made appropriate treatment and adjustment at the lexical level, the syntactic level and the expression level, thus eliminating the reading and understanding barriers of the target readers. The author tries to make the target language readers as close as possible to the original readers, so that the oral style and serious academic content can be combined. Through this translation practice, the author has gained a lot of benefit, and the theoretical literacy and translation level have been improved to a certain extent. At the same time, the author also realizes that to do well in translation, the source language and target language must be excellent. There is still a long way to go to become a qualified translator.


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2 顾小颖;;简论纽马克的翻译二分法:语义翻译和交际翻译[J];吉林省教育学院学报;2008年07期

3 穆雷;李文静;;《理论对译者有用吗?象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》评介[J];外语与外语教学;2007年03期

4 任晓霏;纽马克《翻译方法》一书中形式对等翻译思想述评[J];江苏理工大学学报(社会科学版);2001年04期

5 林克难;翻译研究:从规范走向描写[J];中国翻译;2001年06期

6 林小芹;;纽马克论交际翻译与语义翻译[J];中国翻译;1987年01期

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2 孙勇;交际翻译理论在英汉翻译中的应用[D];上海交通大学;2013年




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