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发布时间:2018-05-17 16:13

  本文选题:卡梅伦挽回苏格兰演讲 + 批评性话语分析 ; 参考:《长春工业大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Critical discourse Analysis (CDA), also called critical Linguistics, is a new branch of linguistics in the process of modern development, which is deeply influenced by sociology, psychology and cognitive science. Therefore, it is different from the traditional discourse analysis, which only focuses on the description of language characteristics. The new way of discourse analysis, which combines social context and psychological cognition, aims to analyze the linguistic characteristics of discourse. The social and historical background of discourse formation and the cognition of the text audience are used to examine the ideological meaning behind the language structure, thus revealing the complex relationship among language, power and ideology. The critical discourse analysis theory comes from Halliday's systemic functional grammar and Fairclaw's three-dimensional discourse view. Halliday believes that utterance in communication is the result of the speaker's choice of language form and meaning, and the choice of discourse form reflects the speaker's communicative intention. Falcrow explains discourse from the point of view of the relationship between discourse and social practice. He believes that discourse is not only a language but also a part of social practice. As a social practice discourse is determined by the social structure. Therefore, he thinks that discourse can be interpreted from three aspects, namely text, discourse practice and social practice, which also give rise to the three steps of discourse analysis: description, interpretation and explanation. This method of discourse analysis is called the three-dimensional model of Fairclaw discourse. The author's analysis of Cameron's two speeches combines the three-dimensional model of Fairclaw discourse with the relevant contents of systemic functional grammar. The analysis of speech can be divided into three parts: description of language characteristics, discourse interpretation of discourse and explanation of social context. In the description part, the author analyzes how the linguistic features of the speech reflect Cameron's communicative intention with the conceptual function of systemic functional grammar, interpersonal function and textual function. The author explains the productive process of discourse from a cognitive perspective. In the third part, the author takes the history of Scotland and the present situation under the British government as the social context to illustrate the decisive effect of social practice on the discourse structure. And how ideology in language works through power. By analyzing the speech, the author finds that the speaker successfully conveys ideology to convince the audience through the use of language strategy and the choice of language form in the process of organizing language. Cameron's speech in the use of the material process and the physical nature of the process of relations, on the surface of the objective implication of the speaker's attitude; vocabulary classification will make Cameron's attitude more clear; tone, The choice of modal words and personal pronouns draws the distance between the speaker and the audience, and reduces the psychological defense of the audience, while the choice of the theme and the theme reveals the emphases of the speaker's intention. In addition, the cognitive contextual analysis of the speech explains Cameron's strategy in discourse layout and its ideological communication effect. The ideology of language in political discourse is difficult to detect through the use of language strategies, so readers should cultivate critical thinking in reading in the future in order to clarify the real intention of the speaker and the ideology he intends to convey.


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