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发布时间:2018-05-19 11:09

  本文选题:交际翻译理论 + 旅游文本翻译 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up in the 1970s, as one of the major tourist destinations in the world with rich tourism resources, China's inbound tourism is booming. Natural scenery and historical humanities are regarded as the cradle of red, the green home, and the hometown of red tourism in China. "Jiangxi scenery alone good" brand is famous all over the country and even the world, has been appraised "the Chinese culture tourism slogan which affects the world", has fully displayed Jiangxi characteristic, the Jiangxi charm in the international tourism competition. According to statistics from the Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the province's foreign exchange income from tourism reached US $567.002 million in 2015, with 1.769 million inbound tourists, a strong increase. With the rapid development of inbound tourism, it is increasingly important to strengthen the international tourism publicity and improve the translation quality of tourism texts. Based on Peter Newmark's communicative translation theory and text type theory, the author chooses the introduction of XianNu Lake Scenic spot in his hometown as the translation practice, and takes the English translation of "introduction to Xiannuhu Lake tourist attractions" as the language material, which is guided by Peter Newmark's communicative translation theory and text type theory. By analyzing the application of Newmark's communicative translation method in tourism text translation, this paper explores the best translation strategies for tourism text translation. Newmark, a British translation theorist, puts forward two translation modes: semantic translation and communicative translation, in which communicative translation focuses on the reader-orientation of the target language, the use of target language, culture and pragmatics to convey information and retain the original meaning. The effect of reading the target text is as close as possible to that of the original reader. Under the communicative translation strategy, the translator can interpret, adjust or even modify the original text to a certain extent in order to achieve the same communicative effect as the original text. Through practice and research, the author draws the following conclusions: first, there are two main purposes of tourism text, one is to convey information, the other is to attract tourists. From the view of Newmark's text type theory, tourist text has the function of information and call, which causes tourists' interest in tourism while introducing the situation of scenic spots. Therefore, the translation of tourist texts into English should be based on Chinese culture. Accurately convey cultural connotations. Second, in order to make foreign tourists better understand the cultural connotations in the tourist texts, we should use flexible communicative translation techniques, such as increasing translation, reducing translation and annotating, so as to realize the effective translation between Chinese and English. Enable the translation to convey information and infect the reader. In order to apply communicative translation theory to tourism text translation, the author hopes to bring some inspiration to other translators with his own superficial study, and contribute to enrich and broaden the theoretical and practical research on tourism text translation.


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