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发布时间:2018-05-21 08:33

  本文选题:不礼貌言语行为 + 顺应论 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the advent of politeness theory by Brown and Levinson, politeness has become one of the focuses of many scholars. Pragmatists have studied politeness from different angles. Unfortunately, impolite speech acts are always ignored and are regarded as opposites of politeness. In fact, impoliteness is everywhere in real life. It is necessary to study the speech act of impoliteness. At present, there are few researches on impoliteness, and there are few researches on impolite speech acts in TV series from the perspective of adaptation theory. On the basis of Culpeper's theory of impoliteness and Verschueren's theory of adaptation, this paper analyzes and classifies the typical impolite speech acts in Royal lawyer, and discusses how the choice of impolite speech adapts to the psychological world. Some contextual factors, such as the social world and the physical world, show that the impolite speech act is the result of a series of language choices. And try to analyze the pragmatic function of impolite speech. This paper mainly adopts the qualitative analysis method. Based on the study of the speech acts of impoliteness in the Royal Counsel, this paper draws the following conclusions: firstly, the ways to realize the speech acts of impoliteness in the Royal lawyer are mainly direct negation, ignoring others, using taboo words and threatening. Interrupt, etc. Secondly, the use of impolite language in Royal Counsel is the result of language selection. These contextual factors include personality, emotion, motivation and belief in the mental world, social relations, rights and culture in the social world, time and space in the physical world, appearance and body posture, and so on. Thirdly, this paper explores the positive role of impolite speech acts in Royal Counsel. Through the affective function of impoliteness, people can express angry emotions; through the coercive function of impoliteness, people can use the right to intimidate others; through the impolite entertainment function, the use of impolite words can create humor and get fun. From the perspective of adaptation theory, this paper studies the impolite speech in Royal Counsel, which to a certain extent enriches the study of pragmatics, expands the scope of application of adaptation theory, and proves the powerful explanatory power of adaptation theory. In practice, it provides a new perspective for the study of impolite speech acts. At the same time, this paper deepens the reader's understanding of the Royal lawyer and widens the perspective of the Royal lawyer.


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