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发布时间:2018-05-21 07:49

  本文选题:带标记的范文 + 二语写作 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore whether the tagged model text has an effect on the learners' incidental attention and usage in second language writing. In this study, 34 students in grade two of a school were divided into two homogeneous groups according to their second language level, each group consisted of 8 middle and 3 low level students. The two groups of students were required to complete two three-stage writing tasks, each of which consisted of three stages: 1) for the first time writing according to the writing requirements. (2) compare their own articles with the model text, pay attention to the differences and write down the notes. The experimental group was marked as a model essay. The control group is an unmarked model essay 3) rewriting the article according to the writing requirements. The present study designed two writing tasks in which two groups of subjects exchanged the identities of experimental and control groups for personal reasons which may lead to inaccuracy of notes in the first two stages. Finally, in addition to the two compositions and written notes completed by the students, the data of interview transcripts and questionnaires were collected in order to explore the specific process and the main factors affecting the use of the marked text. The results showed that in task one, the attention of the experimental group in the target vocabulary was not significantly higher than that in the control group, but it showed significant advantages in task two. In the two tasks, the use of target vocabulary in the experimental group was not significantly higher than that in the control group. Based on the statistics of the number of words' attention and usage and the data of interviews and questionnaires, this study finds that vocabulary salience and task requirements are the two decisive factors affecting vocabulary attention. Words that form self-prominence due to various physical and task characteristics do not require external salience, but low self-salience, especially in situations where tasks require too much attention and take up attention resources. External salience can effectively promote learners' attention to target words. At the same time, learners' use of target vocabulary is mainly influenced by lexical complexity, including lexical form and usage. In view of the influence of L2 level on attention and use, the high level pays the most attention, the middle level takes in the most, and the low level always keeps the lowest in both aspects. This study further expands the research field of the influence of emphasis on the second language vocabulary. It is proved that in the process of learning the model text in second language writing, the emphasis on marker has some influence on the incidental attention of the model essay, but it has no significant help to the use of vocabulary. However, to some extent, the emphasis on markers has promoted learners' attention to target vocabulary and caused the change of L2 system, which has been favored and recognized by learners. Therefore, in view of the model teaching of second language writing, this study suggests that the emphasis on marking should be given full play according to the students' second language proficiency, the communicative value of the target vocabulary and the learnability of the target vocabulary. And the corresponding teaching strategies should be adopted to promote the emphasis on the role of markers, such as strengthening the students' memory of the target vocabulary and promoting the students' understanding of some vocabulary usage.


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