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发布时间:2018-05-21 20:15

  本文选题:英语类专业 + 校标 ; 参考:《中国外语》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the relationship between the unity of the national standard for undergraduate teaching quality in English majors (hereinafter referred to as "national standard") and the diversity of "calibration standard", this paper puts forward the basic principles of the design of "calibration" ability item. The author also tries to further refine and reorganize the requirements of English majors' ability training, and construct a general "calibration" ability design diagram, which includes four parts: "tree root", "trunk", "main branch" and "crown". The ability structure tree is composed of four parts: "tree root", "trunk" and "tree crown". This paper holds that the ability item design of "school standard" should be aimed at the long-term and short-term needs of the country, society and students, and take into account the regional characteristics, the advantages of the school and the characteristics of the students' source, so as to embody the characteristics of the "school standard". While emphasizing the basic ability of "tree root" and "trunk", the cultivation of characteristic ability of "main branch" and "tree crown" is highlighted, and the road of characteristic development is taken.
【作者单位】: 南开大学;广东外语外贸大学;


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