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发布时间:2018-05-21 21:05

  本文选题:纪录片 + 模拟口译 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a mock interpretation practice report of documentary "doing Business with the World". Documentary is the art form of film or television which is based on real life. As a mass media, documentaries can well spread information and culture. With the development of science and information technology, people can know the world without leaving home. As a documentary art form, documentaries can spread information and culture to the world more truthfully. In recent years, in order to better introduce China and Chinese culture to the world, a large number of excellent documentaries recording Chinese history and culture have been broadcast at home and abroad one after another, and caused a strong response. Some people who are biased against China have become impressed with China because they watched the documentaries. Therefore, the translation and introduction of the documentary is of certain significance and value to China. "doing Business with the World" is a large-scale documentary that spans six continents and uses the lens to tell the business story of China doing business with more than 30 countries. Let the world see the new era of China and industrious and intelligent Chinese people. After searching for the documentary, there is no translation record, so the author chooses two of the episodes as interpreting materials. Chinese-English consecutive interpretation is adopted throughout the interpretation process. The interpretation practice is guided by the interpretation theory. As the first systematic interpretation theory, the innovation of interpretation theory lies in that it gets rid of structuralist linguistics and draws lessons from the research results of psychology and cognitive science. In this theory, Seles Kovic, the representative of the Paris School of interpretation, defines the object of study, namely conference interpretation and significance. The core point of this theory is that the translator is translating the meaning of the source language rather than the language symbol itself. According to the theory of interpretation, the translator has to go through three stages: comprehension, memory, and expression. At the same time, the interpretive theory holds that the full transmission of meaning needs the translator's cognitive supplement, including the translator's language knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge, subject knowledge and contextual knowledge. Under the guidance of interpretive theory, the present report analyzes the author's interpretation process and methods, focusing on how to use different translation methods to understand the meaning of the source language and then re-use the target language to express it. This practice report has certain reference value to the later translation. The present report consists of six chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background, significance and frame structure of the interpretation practice. Chapter two is the part of task description, which mainly introduces the source, main content and characteristics of interpreting task. Chapter three introduces the theoretical basis of this interpretation practice, including the origin and development of the interpretation theory, the three levels of translation, the object and procedure of translation, and the pillar role of cognitive supplement in the process of interpretation. Chapter four describes the interpretation process. This chapter mainly describes pre-translation preparation, interpretation process and post-translation of interpretation recordings. Chapter five is the analysis of interpreting practice. In the first part of this chapter, the author analyzes the application of interpretive theory in the process of listening and understanding. The second part analyzes the concrete examples of interpreting under the guidance of interpretive theory. The last part is a summary of the interpretation practice.


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