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发布时间:2018-05-22 09:26

  本文选题:二语动机自我系统 + 非英语专业研究生 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:自20世纪80年代以来,学习动机作为影响二语习得的重要因素之一,一直备受关注。2005年,D?rnyei提出了全新的理论框架——二语动机自我系统,包括理想二语自我、应该二语自我和二语学习经验,为二语动机研究提供了新的理论支持。已有研究发现,大学生二语动机自我系统不同时,其英语成绩存在显著差异。然而,这些研究大部分侧重于本科生的英语动机自我系统。在我国,非英语专业研究生应具备包括听、说、读、写等的语言综合应用能力,这主要通过其英语成绩来体现。研究非英语专业研究生二语动机自我系统与英语成绩的相关性,将有助于深入探讨非英语专业研究生的二语学习动机,以期激发其学习动机进而提高英语综合能力。但是,目前这方面的研究还寥寥无几。鉴于此,本文采用定量研究的方法,以D?rnyei的二语动机自我系统理论为研究框架,着重探索非英语专业研究生二语动机自我系统与英语成绩之间的关系。该研究以248名来自山东大学和山东师范大学的非英语专业研究生为研究对象,主要调查和探讨以下三个问题:(1)非英语专业研究生二语动机自我系统的整体状况如何?(2)非英语专业研究生的二语动机自我系统与英语成绩之间有无相关性?(3)二语动机自我系统的三个组成部分在高中低二语水平的非英语专业研究生中是否存在一定的模式?如果存在,有什么规律?作者采用二语动机自我调查问卷收集非英语专业研究生二语动机自我系统的相关数据,从研究生院获取了学生的研究生入学考试英语成绩,并将所得数据通过SPSS 20.0统计软件进行分析。本研究主要发现如下:(1)非英语专业研究生的二语动机自我系统整体处于中等偏上水平。(2)非英语专业研究生的二语动机自我系统与他们的英语成绩存在显著的正相关关系。(3)二语动机自我系统的三个组成部分在高中低二语水平的非英语专业研究生中存在一定的模式。即,随着二语水平的提高,“二语自我”(“理想二语自我”和“应该二语自我”)对英语成绩的影响越来越大;二语学习经验对英语成绩的影响则越来越小。基于以上研究,笔者就如何在英语学习和教学中提高学习者的二语动机自我系统提出了相关建议,指出了本研究的不足和局限性,并且指明了未来研究有待改进的地方。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, learning motivation, as one of the important factors affecting second language acquisition, has attracted much attention. In 2005, Danrnyei proposed a new theoretical framework, namely, the self-system of second language motivation, including the ideal second language self. Second-language self-learning and second-language learning experience provide new theoretical support for the study of second language motivation. Previous studies have found that there are significant differences in English achievement among college students with different self-system of second language motivation. However, most of these studies focus on the English motivation self-system of undergraduates. In China, non-English major graduate students should have the ability of comprehensive application including listening, speaking, reading, writing and so on, which is mainly reflected by their English achievements. The study of the correlation between L2 motivation self-system and English achievement of non-English majors will be helpful to explore the L2 learning motivation of non-English majors in order to stimulate their motivation and improve their comprehensive English proficiency. However, there is very little research in this area. Based on D?rnyei 's second language motivation self-system theory, this paper focuses on the relationship between second language motivation self-system and English achievement of non-English major graduate students. The study included 248 non-English major graduate students from Shandong University and Shandong normal University. This paper investigates and discusses the following three questions: 1) what is the overall situation of the second language motivation self-system of non-English major graduate students? (2) is there a correlation between the second language motivation self-system and the English achievement of non-English major graduate students? Is there a certain pattern of motivation self-system in non-English majors in senior high school? If so, what are the rules? The author uses the L2 motivation self-questionnaire to collect the relevant data on the L2 motivation self-system of non-English major graduate students, and obtains the scores of the postgraduate entrance examination from the graduate school. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software. The main findings of the present study are as follows: (1) the second language motivation self-system of non-English major graduate students is in the middle and upper level as a whole) the second language motivation self-system of non-English major graduate students has a significant positive correlation with their English achievement. The three components of L2 motivation self-system exist certain patterns in non-English major postgraduates of high school and low language level. That is, with the improvement of L2 proficiency, the influence of L2 self (ideal L2 self and should L2 self) on English achievement is becoming greater and greater, while L2 learning experience has less and less effect on English achievement. Based on the above research, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the learners' motivation self-system in English learning and teaching, points out the shortcomings and limitations of this study, and points out the areas for improvement in the future research.


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