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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:01

  本文选题:联络口译 + 头衔翻译 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Liaison interpretation, also called escort interpretation, mainly refers to foreign affairs reception, foreign affairs liaison in the interpretation work, in the form of two-way communication, alternate interpretation activities. Compared with conference interpretation, contact interpretation is more widely used. Nowadays, interpreters attach great importance to language skills, translation skills and some professional knowledge in interpreting activities. However, in practice, they also find that translation of title, financial statistics, translation of long paragraphs and translation of long paragraphs are not sufficient. The improper use of euphemism in cross-cultural communication and so on. After consulting the literature, the author finds that few articles have explained in detail the above problems in interpretation from the point of view of practice. In view of this, the author based on the activities of the 2016 Soviet-Soviet International Trade and Economic week, combined with his own interpretation experience, wrote this practical report, translated the business titles encountered in the interpretation process and government officials' titles, and translated the financial statistics data. The four difficulties of euphemism translation in cross-cultural context are systematically analyzed, and the reasons for the above difficulties are explored through Gill's interpretation energy allocation model and Paris interpretive school theory, respectively, in which the translation of long paragraphs is inadequate and the euphemism of euphemism in cross-cultural context is a cross-cultural context in which the translation of long paragraphs is not sufficient. Finally, the author puts forward corresponding solutions to these four difficulties, among which innovative solutions include: making common vocabulary tables of business titles and government official titles, collecting enterprises, The financial statistics in the annual report of the government strengthen the training of all kinds of short-term memory in the state of no notes and enhance the understanding of the business culture of different countries. These strategies will be helpful for liaison interpreters to give full play to their interpretation skills and interpreters' subjectivity and flexibility in the process of communication between the two parties, so as to play a better role as communication promoters.


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2 国红焱;动态交互与联络口译[D];福建师范大学;2015年

3 谢s,




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