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发布时间:2018-05-23 18:16

  本文选题:原型范畴理论 + 词汇教学 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is the foundation of language, and no language in the world is without vocabulary. However, vocabulary teaching does not occupy an important position in foreign language teaching. And more is based on the students after class their own efforts. Teachers adopt more traditional teaching methods in vocabulary teaching, which leads students to think vocabulary learning is a boring and difficult task. In view of the higher vocational students have formed psychological cognition and attitude. Based on the prototype category theory, the researcher tries to solve the following two questions: 1) the prototype category theory is applied in vocabulary teaching. What is the attitude and autonomy of students towards vocabulary learning? (2) can the prototype category theory help students improve their vocabulary size and understanding depth? In view of these two problems, the researcher made an experiment in the first grade of a certain higher vocational school. The experiment was conducted in two classes: the control class and the experimental class. The control class adopts the traditional teaching method, that is, the teacher leads the reading, explains the meaning and usage of words, and finally builds sentences and exercises. The experimental class adopts vocabulary teaching supported by prototype category theory. Taking the words learned as the prototype, the relevant words are listed according to the category theory and the semantic network is formed, which makes it difficult for the students to forget the words and better understand the words. The researchers used questionnaires, interviews, pre-and post-test research methods. The results of questionnaire and interview show that the attitude and autonomy of vocabulary learning in the experimental class have been improved. With the help of SPSS17.0, the researchers compared pre-and post-test scores. The researchers found that the vocabulary and vocabulary comprehension ability of the experimental class was much higher than that of the control class. Therefore, the teaching of vocabulary under the guidance of prototype category theory has a positive effect on students' attitude, autonomy, vocabulary quantity and vocabulary comprehension ability.


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