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发布时间:2018-05-23 22:56

  本文选题:思维导图策略 + 词汇学习 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary learning is very important for English learning. Because vocabulary is the cornerstone of language, mastering vocabulary is very important for foreign language learners. How to master vocabulary is closely related to the essence of lexical knowledge. Lexical knowledge includes the form, function, location and meaning of the vocabulary. Vocabulary learning also refers not only to the expansion of vocabulary, but also to the expansion of vocabulary depth. The vocabulary mastery of junior middle school students is a big leap compared with primary school. Therefore, how to effectively help junior high school students to learn vocabulary is worth studying. At the same time, as a new thinking tool, mind map can effectively help to organize ideas. It is necessary to study whether mind map is also applicable to vocabulary learning. The author carried out a ten-week action study around three research questions. The three research questions are: (1) how do thinking mapping strategies affect the vocabulary learning strategies of junior high school students? (2) what types of thinking maps are more efficient? 3) what kind of intervention can teachers do to help students use thinking maps better? The main body of the study is Hangzhou Public first grade two classes of students. Both classes are taught English by the same teacher, and the average score of the two classes is very similar. One class served as the experimental group and the other as the control group. In the course of the research, questionnaire, vocabulary test, mind map observation and student interview are used as research methods. The students were asked to complete a pretest questionnaire and a vocabulary test before the implementation of the mind map. Then, the author uses pamphlets to teach what is the strategy of thinking map and how to use it in vocabulary learning. After the intervention of thinking mapping strategies, students were asked to do post-test questionnaires and vocabulary tests, as well as individual students will be interviewed. After a series of studies, the data show that thinking map has a positive effect on vocabulary learning of junior high school students. An effective mind map usually needs to be developed based on the understanding of the subject, with a central diagram, more branches and different levels, and an arrow showing the relationships between different words. Teachers should encourage students and themselves to give students clear guidance step by step, give feedback according to the observation of students' mind map in time, and fully understand vocabulary knowledge, in the process of introducing the strategy of thinking mapping, the teacher should encourage students and themselves, give them clear guidance step by step, and give feedback according to the observation of students' mind map. Give scientific guidance in the whole process of thinking mapping strategy teaching, and reasonably plan their teaching time.


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6 苗晓红;中学词汇教学双优组合研究—元认知策略和思维导图[D];山东大学;2007年




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