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发布时间:2018-05-24 23:19

  本文选题:关联顺应论 + 奢侈品网络广告语 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着科学技术的不断发展,网络已成为人们获取新鲜资讯的最佳平台,与此同时也发展出了网络广告。在众多的网络广告语中,奢侈品广告因其语言设计精美而引发广泛关注,但是该领域的诸多研究大多停留在语言层面,而对奢侈品广告是如何通过语言设计形成特殊语境从而对消费者产生购买欲望的研究却相对较少。鉴于此,本研究通过从奢侈品英文官方网站收集到的300条广告为语料,旨在通过分析其语言特征与语境特征,从而揭示两者间的顺应关系:1.奢侈品网络广告语言都具有哪些语言结构特征?2.这些语言特征构建了哪些语境因素?3.这些语言特征与语境因素之间又是如何相互顺应以满足消费者不同心理诉求,进而达到售出商品的目的?本研究以理论为基础,以实证为支撑。本论文的理论框架是基于关联理论和顺应理论所构建的关联-顺应模式(R-A Model);分析采用定量和定性相结合的方法。语料分析具体步骤为:首先借助CLAWS7对三百条语料进行词类标注,同时进行人工标注,再利用Antconc对标注好的语料进行检索,得出其语言特征;随后根据R-A Model对语料进行定性分析及标注出其语境相关因素特征;最后将结合前面分析结果再次定量和定性分析,从而揭示奢侈品网络广告语是如何利用语言特征来满足消费者多种心理诉求,吸引消费者注意,最终达到售出商品的目的。研究发现如下:1.奢侈品网络广告语言具有如下特征:首先,在词汇层面,与奢侈品的豪华相反,此类广告语多选用难度不大、词长相对较短的通用词汇;其次,词类使用相对丰富,但不同于其他类型文本的是实词较多;句法层面,多用中等长度的简单句以及小句,并且以陈述语气为主,大多选用现在时及主动态;语意层面上,多用表示可能性的情态动词以及表示逻辑先后关系的连词。这一现象说明,奢侈品网络广告语言相对简单,主要是以传递商品信息让大众接受为主,这些语言特征构建出各种语境以顺应消费者消费心理。2.语境方面主要从心理、社会及物理世界进行分析,结果发现每条广告语都构建多种语境以满足消费者不同的心理诉求,其中对心理世界考虑最多,其次是社会世界。此现象说明奢侈品广告语言更强调对消费者心理及社会世界的顺应,以此为依据来选择语言形式。3.广告设计者主要通过使用简单动词,褒义的评价性形容词,原外文拼写,数词,人称代词等语言特征去顺应消费者的具体语境。分析发现为实现对潜在消费者的顺应,奢侈品网络广告语在语言及语境选择上特点鲜明。这可以加深我们对此类广告语言使用的理解,同时会对其他广告语言的创作形成启发,从而创造出更优秀的奢侈品网络广告语。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has become the best platform for people to obtain fresh information. Among the many online advertising words, luxury advertising has attracted wide attention because of its exquisite language design. However, many researches in this field are mostly focused on the language level. However, there is relatively little research on how luxury advertising forms a special context through language design to produce consumers' desire to buy. In view of this, the present study aims to reveal the adaptation relationship between the three hundred advertisements collected from the official website of luxury goods by analyzing their linguistic and contextual characteristics. What are the language structure features of luxury online advertising language? What contextual factors are constructed by these linguistic features? How do these linguistic features and contextual factors adapt to each other in order to satisfy the different psychological demands of consumers and then achieve the purpose of selling goods? This study is based on theory and supported by empirical evidence. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on relevance theory and adaptation theory. The concrete steps of corpus analysis are as follows: first, three hundred corpus are annotated by CLAWS7, then manually annotated, and then the tagged corpus is retrieved by Antconc, and its language features are obtained. Then, according to R-A Model, the qualitative analysis of the corpus and the tagging of contextual factors are carried out. Finally, the quantitative and qualitative analysis will be done again in combination with the results of the previous analysis. Thus it reveals how the online advertising language of luxury goods makes use of linguistic features to satisfy the various psychological demands of consumers, attract the attention of consumers, and finally achieve the purpose of selling goods. The study found the following: 1. The online advertising language of luxury goods has the following characteristics: first, on the lexical level, contrary to the luxury of luxury goods, this kind of advertising language is more difficult to choose, the length of words is relatively short common vocabulary; secondly, the use of parts of speech is relatively rich. However, different from other types of texts, there are more notional words; at the syntactic level, it uses simple sentences and clauses of medium length, and mainly uses the declarative mood, most of them choose the present tense and the main dynamic, and at the semantic level, Modal verbs that indicate possibility and conjunctions that represent logical precedence are often used. This phenomenon shows that the language of luxury online advertising is relatively simple, mainly to convey commodity information to the public to accept, these language features to construct a variety of contexts to comply with consumer consumption psychology. 2. Context mainly from the psychological, social and physical world analysis, the results show that each advertising language to construct a variety of contexts to meet the different psychological demands of consumers, in which the psychological world is considered the most, followed by the social world. This phenomenon shows that the language of luxury advertising emphasizes the adaptation of consumers' psychological and social world and chooses the language form. 3. The advertisement designer mainly adapts to the specific context of the consumer by using simple verbs, positive evaluative adjectives, original foreign spelling, numerals, personal pronouns and other linguistic features. It is found that in order to adapt to the potential consumers, the choice of language and context is distinct in the online advertising language of luxury goods. This will deepen our understanding of the use of such advertising languages, and at the same time will inspire the creation of other advertising languages, thus creating a better online advertising language for luxury goods.


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