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发布时间:2018-05-25 23:19

  本文选题:书面纠正性反馈 + 语言分析能力 ; 参考:《江苏大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the past thirty years, corrective feedback has been one of the focus of research in the field of two language acquisition and two language writing at home and abroad. At present, a lot of empirical research results have been obtained in written corrective feedback, but the research in this field is mainly designed for single factor causal chain, which involves only the effectiveness of corrective feedback and different feedback parties. The difference between the effectiveness of the type and the influence of the learner factor and the language factor itself on the error correction effect is ignored, which leads to the unconformity of the results. Only a few researchers examine the individual differences of the learners as the influencing factors of the error correction effect. As for the language factors affecting the feedback effect, the existing research has not yet discussed the written error correction. Can it effectively promote the learners' acquisition of the whole sentence structure and the relatively complex language items, and ignore the effect of the wrong nature (such as mother tongue interference) on the error correction effect, so it is still unable to fully reveal the effect of feedback on the acquisition of language knowledge. The structure, which includes the learners' language analysis ability as a variable, aims to examine the effectiveness of written corrective feedback on the interference of the mother tongue and the effect of language analysis on the effect of written corrective feedback, and to answer (1) the acquisition of Chinese students' English attributive clauses by written corrective feedback is a specific answer. (2) is there any difference in the effect of restatement and metalinguistic feedback on the acquisition of English attributive clauses in Chinese students? (3) is the language analysis ability and how much to the effect of the written corrective feedback effect? This study adopts a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The posttest - the quasi experimental design of delayed posttest 1 - delayed post test 2, 92 College English Majors in Jiangsu, were divided into restate group (31 people), metalinguistic feedback group (31) and control group (30 people). The study selected English attributive clauses as the target structure. The language analysis ability adopted the artificial language test volume designed by Ott. The effect of written corrective feedback is measured by the correct rate of the use of the target structure. The four test stages all use the Chinese English translation method to investigate the feedback effect, the pre test, the immediate post test and the delayed post test 1 are sentence Chinese translation, and the delayed post test 2 is a story short text translation. In the intervention stage, the restatement group directly provides the correct. The metalinguistic feedback group not only gives a reference translation, but also gives a detailed example of the three aspects of "the principles and characteristics of sentence constructions in English and Chinese sentences", "characteristics and functions of English and Chinese attributive clauses" and "the distinction between restrictive attributive clauses and non restrictive attributive clauses." the control group does not provide any feedback. The whole experiment continues to be 12. In the form of a separate interview, the qualitative study aims to understand the affective factors that affect the method of feedback information processing, the depth and effect of feedback, research design factors, etc., so as to help to interpret the possible causes of feedback effectiveness and its differences. The language analysis ability and feedback effect were selected, including retelling Group 8, meta language feedback group 8 and control group 4 people, each receiving time was 25-30 minutes. Independent sample T test for each test data, single factor variance analysis, Scheffe post test analysis and repeated measurement analysis of variance analysis showed: 1) restatement and yuan Language feedback can promote the acquisition of English attributive clauses to a certain extent, indicating that written corrective feedback contributes to the correct use of the overall structure; 2) restatement and metalinguistic feedback have a positive impact on the acquisition of English attributive clauses, and the short-term effect of the two is equivalent, but the long-term effect of the latter has a slight advantage, indicating the written corrective feedback. It can help the learners to reduce the global structural errors caused by mother tongue interference, and the effect is proportional to the degree of dominance of feedback; 3) the interaction of language analysis ability and feedback method is not significant, indicating that the effect of different corrective feedback methods is not regulated by the ability of language analysis in the learning environment of non target language. The study is of great significance both in theory and practice. In theory, this study involves some of the key theoretical issues of two language acquisition (such as consciousness, the role of explicit knowledge in the two language acquisition, the cognitive and emotional factors that affect the two language acquisition), which can not only provide empirical support for the cognitive theory of two language acquisition, but also help to improve and deepen the recognition. In practice, in practice, this study confirms the positive effect of written corrective feedback, further reveals the huge feedback potential of feedback, provides useful guidance for future research and practical teaching, and provides teachers with different learners and different language items to choose appropriate error correction strategies and error correction methods. Based on this, it helps to maximize the effectiveness of error correction and effectively promote the development of students' two language interlanguage.


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