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发布时间:2018-05-25 22:26

  本文选题:外交演讲词英译 + 顺应论 ; 参考:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the globalization of the world and the development of China, the communication between China and the world is getting closer and closer, and the speeches of national leaders are becoming more and more frequent. Diplomatic speech plays an important role in it, its genre is formal, language is strict and rich in cultural information and social background. This kind of text is usually translated by the national professional team, they generally have solid professional knowledge and master the relevant translation theory to guide the practice, which has high research value. Since the chairman took office, foreign affairs visits have become more frequent, and diplomatic speeches have increasingly highlighted their important role. Xi explained China's diplomatic attitude and position to the world through diplomatic speeches, showing China's good image as well as its unique leadership style to the world. His speech was highly appraised internationally and had a profound international influence. Xi's speech has many characteristics that distinguish it from other leaders' speeches. For example: good at storytelling to explain a profound theory, good at quoting classics, rich in Chinese culture and so on. Under the guidance of translation theory, the research on Xi's speech is constantly updated, and the theory of adaptation has injected new vitality into the study of translation of diplomatic speeches. Taking Xi's diplomatic speech from 2015 to 2016 as the research object, the author applies the four dimensions of adaptation theory to analyze Xi's diplomatic speech. On the basis of the analysis, the author draws four general principles of the translation of Xi's diplomatic speeches based on the adaptation theory: the relevance of adaptation context, the structure of adaptation, the dynamic nature of adaptation, and the awareness in the process of adaptation. Combining the general principles with the specific characteristics of President Xi's diplomatic speeches, this paper analyzes in detail the specific strategies for the translation of diplomatic speeches by President Xi, that is, the words rich in profound cultural connotations are translated freely or literal, and the words that are repeated in Chinese are translated by saving. Chinese and English sentences with different structures are translated into English by adding subject-passive voice and connective words, and by literal translation of political words proposed by leaders. In order to guide their later translation practice, translation workers help.


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