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发布时间:2018-05-25 17:29

  本文选题:英语教育硕士 + 整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK) ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着教育信息化的不断深入发展,信息技术对促进教育改革和提高教育质量起着重要作用。教师作为教育教学的践行者,必须要掌握和提高信息技术能力,并与学科教学知识相融合,运用于教学实践中,进而提高课堂教学质量。美国学者Punya Mishra和Mattew J.Koehler在Shulman学科教学知识(PCK)的基础上,提出了整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)框架。TPACK由七部分构成:技术知识(TK)、学科内容知识(CK)、教学法知识(PK)、学科教学法知识(PCK)、整合技术的学科内容知识(TCK)、整合技术的教学法知识(TPK)、整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK),旨在描述信息时代教师教学所具备的知识,强调了技术知识、教学法知识和学科内容知识的相互联系与融合。TPACK的提出引起了教育学者的关注,在国内外掀起了研究热潮。然而在国内,有关英语教育硕士TPACK的研究还不是很多。作为职前英语教师,英语教育硕士必须要掌握较充足的整合技术的学科教学知识,进行有效教学。因此,对英语教育硕士TPACK的研究十分重要。本研究以Punya Mishra和Mattew J.Koehler的TPACK量表为基础,制定了英语教育硕士TPACK调查问卷,以山西师范大学英语教育硕士为研究对象进行调查。围绕三个研究问题:(1)英语教育硕士的TPACK的整体水平怎么样?(2)英语教育硕士的TPACK存在哪些缺陷?(3)造成英语教育硕士TPACK这些缺陷的原因有哪些?通过问卷,发现英语教育硕士的TPACK均分是120.5,占总分的70.88%,表明其整体水平处于中等。在学科内容知识方面,英语教育硕士的英语思维能力、英语知识和语言能力不高,需要进一步提高。在技术知识方面,虽然英语教育硕士掌握了基本的技术知识和技能,但是他们的技术知识还不足以应对信息时代英语教育教学的发展。在整合技术的学科教学知识方面,英语教育硕士缺少将技术、学科内容和教学法有效整合并灵活应用于英语教学实践的能力。通过访谈发现TPACK各部分的知识掌握、教学实践、教师的榜样示范作用对英语教育硕士的TPACK发展起着重要作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of educational informatization, information technology plays an important role in promoting educational reform and improving educational quality. Teachers, as the practitioners of education and teaching, must master and improve the ability of information technology, merge with the subject teaching knowledge, apply it to teaching practice, and then improve the quality of classroom teaching. American scholars Punya Mishra and Mattew J.Koehler based on the teaching knowledge of Shulman. This paper puts forward the framework of subject teaching knowledge of integrated technology. TPACK is composed of seven parts: technical knowledge, subject content knowledge, pedagogy knowledge, subject teaching method knowledge, subject content knowledge and integrated technology teaching. TPKK, the subject teaching knowledge of integrating technology, aims to describe the knowledge that teachers have in the information age. This paper emphasizes the interrelation and fusion of technical knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and subject content knowledge. TPACK has aroused the attention of educational scholars and aroused the research upsurge at home and abroad. However, there are not many studies on TPACK in English education in China. As a pre-service English teacher, master of English education must master sufficient knowledge of integrated technology and carry out effective teaching. Therefore, the study of TPACK in English education is very important. Based on the TPACK scale of Punya Mishra and Mattew J.Koehler, a TPACK questionnaire for Master of English Education (MSE) in Shanxi normal University was developed. What is the overall level of TPACK for Master of English Education? (2) what are the defects in TPACK of Master of English Education? (3) what are the reasons for the defects of TPACK in English Education? The average score of TPACK for Master of English Education is 120.5, accounting for 70.88% of the total score, indicating that the overall level is in the middle. In terms of subject content knowledge, Master of English Education's English thinking ability, English knowledge and language ability are not high, need to be further improved. In terms of technical knowledge, although master of English education has mastered basic technical knowledge and skills, their technical knowledge is not enough to cope with the development of English education and teaching in the information age. In the aspect of integrating the subject teaching knowledge of the technology, the master of English education lacks the ability to integrate the technology, the subject content and the teaching method effectively and apply them flexibly to the practice of English teaching. Through the interview, it is found that the knowledge mastery, teaching practice and the role of the teacher's role model play an important role in the development of the TPACK of the Master of English Education.


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