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发布时间:2018-05-25 15:23

  本文选题:消极沉默 + 英语课堂 ; 参考:《长春师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:It is well known that communication and communication are the ultimate purpose of language learning. At present, the phenomenon of classroom silence in junior high school students is common in our country, especially in English classroom silence. Because of the pressure of junior high school students, English class has become the main place for junior middle school students' oral English practice. The interaction between students and students is necessary for junior high school students to learn English. Therefore, English teachers should create an active and active English classroom atmosphere. The study shows that good classroom interaction can effectively improve the students' language level. In the traditional English classroom teaching, teachers pay attention to reading and writing, ignoring and speaking, so the students are very few. In English communication, the expression of desire and expressive ability of the students will decline for a long time, which makes students often silent in the English class. When the teacher asks the questions to answer and cooperate, the students take part in the teacher's questions, often use silence to answer the teacher's questions. Silence, as a way of communication. There is a wide range of people's lives, but the phenomenon of classroom silence in junior high school makes it difficult for English teachers to carry out their classroom activities and teaching tasks. The passive silence in the classroom of junior high school students is not conducive to the smooth development of the teaching activities. This negative English classroom silence will lead to students' inability to master a good command of the class. This study uses the classroom observation method, the questionnaire survey method and the interview method to investigate the reasons of negative silence in junior high school students' English class. The author tries to solve the following two questions in junior middle school students' English classroom negative sink. What are the main reasons for the silence? 2. how to effectively solve the negative silence in the English class of junior high school students? I observed that classes in a middle school in Changchun were in class five, class ten, class ten, class two, each class observed 10 classes, and the observed classes were reading classes, listening classes, practice classes and writing classes; the following conclusions were drawn through the classroom observation. The phenomenon of silence appears in the English class of every junior middle school. There are negative silence in English classes at first grade, junior grade, junior grade and three grade. According to the author's classroom observation, the negative silence is the most serious in the junior grade students' English class, so the author also tries to find the main reason of the negative silence in the junior middle school students' English class. A questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted for 150 junior high school students in Changchun. The questionnaire included three aspects of external environment, student factors and teacher factors. Finally, the author also interviewed three English class teachers and nine students in three classes in three grades. There were 150 subjects in this study. For the objective conditions, three students were interviewed in three classes, with a total of nine students. Through the collation of the questionnaire and the collection of data, in view of the interview results of teachers and students, the author drew the following reasons for the negative silence in junior high school students' English class; the reasons for the negative silence in junior middle school students' English class were among the reasons. The traditional culture and teaching ideas of the country, the English classroom atmosphere and the current English evaluation system. The main reasons are students' own factors. Students' own factors mainly include student character, learning motivation, classroom anxiety, learning style, self concept. The influence of teachers mainly comes from teachers' teaching methods, teachers' classroom feedback, teachers' mention. In order to solve the causes of negative silence in junior high school students' English classroom, the main reasons for the negative silence in junior high school students' English classroom are the two aspects of the classroom observation, questionnaire survey and interview results. The author suggests that the junior students' English classroom elimination should be solved in order to solve the causes of negative silence in junior high school students. First, to create a favorable teaching and learning environment, English teachers can use multimedia assisted instruction. It is well known that language learning is closely related to culture. So the real language environment is necessary for the two language learners. The school should employ foreign teachers as far as possible, and students are exposed to the real language environment. Second, English teachers should strengthen comprehensible input and adopt flexible teaching methods for different class English teachers, effectively classroom questioning strategies and classroom feedback. Finally, teachers should adopt effective evaluation mechanisms and drums based on students' English learning ability and classroom concern. To build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students and create a good learning atmosphere to solve the negative silence of junior high school students and create an efficient and active English class in junior high school.


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