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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:15

  本文选题:话语标记语 + 性别差异 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:话语标记语是一种常见的语言现象,它被广泛应用到口语及书面语中。它是指那些可以连接句子片段的单词或者短语,是实现话语衔接和连贯的重要手段,在话语分析和语用学领域引起极大关注。本文基于王立非和祝卫华对话语标记语的分类,试图从社会语言学角度去分析工科类大学生在英语议论文写作过程中所使用到的话语标记语的性别差异情况。本文选取了太原理工大学机械类专业大三学生的200篇议论文,结合定量和定性分析方法,并借助语料库分析软件Antconc 3.2.4及数据分析软件SPSS 17.0,探讨男女生在话语标记语的种类及用词上是否存在差异,而且试着从社会语言学角度去分析可能产生这种差异的原因。研究结果表明,可能受社会分工、社会角色及社会心理特征影响,男女生在重复性话语标记语、强调性话语标记语、让步性话语标记语和资格性话语标记语的使用上存在显著差异。在特定话语标记语的选词上,女生比男生选词更为规范、正式、多样。从话语标记语使用的整体情况来看,女生在议论文写作过程中比男生更加倾向于使用多种种类话语标记语。最后,本文基于该研究结果,为话语标记语及性别差异的理论研究提供了一种新的思考方式,而且为今后的英语教学带来启发。同时作者还指出了本研究的局限性及未来研究者在该领域需要注意的问题。
[Abstract]:Discourse markers, a common linguistic phenomenon, are widely used in spoken and written language. It refers to words or phrases that can connect sentence fragments, which are important means to achieve cohesion and coherence, and have attracted great attention in the field of discourse analysis and pragmatics. Based on Wang Li Fei and Zhu Weihua's classification of discourse markers, this paper attempts to analyze the gender differences in discourse markers used by engineering college students in the process of argumentative writing from the perspective of sociolinguistics. This paper selects 200 argumentative papers of the third year students majoring in mechanical major in Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, and combines quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. With the help of corpus analysis software Antconc 3.2.4 and data analysis software SPSS 17.0, this paper discusses whether there are differences in the types and words of discourse markers between male and female students, and tries to analyze the possible causes of such differences from the perspective of sociolinguistics. The results show that, under the influence of social division of labor, social roles and socio-psychological characteristics, male and female students are involved in repetitive discourse markers and stress discourse markers. There are significant differences in the use of concessional discourse markers and qualified discourse markers. In the choice of specific discourse markers, girls are more formal, formal and diverse than boys. From the perspective of the use of discourse markers, girls tend to use more kinds of discourse markers than boys in the process of argumentative writing. Finally, based on the results of the study, this paper provides a new way of thinking for the theoretical study of discourse markers and gender differences, and also provides inspiration for English teaching in the future. At the same time, the author also points out the limitations of this study and the problems that future researchers should pay attention to in this field.


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