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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:41

  本文选题:西德尼·沙博理 + 文化身份 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Throughout the history of translation between China and the West, translation studies have focused on translation theory and methods for a long time. For a long time, the translator has been "invisible", so his status as the subject of translation has not been given due attention, and the research on the subjectivity of the translator and the translator is even less. With the emergence of "cultural turn" in the field of western translation in the 1970s, translation studies have gradually broken through the limitations of language, and the field of study has become more extensive. Translation is no longer a simple language conversion, but a cross-cultural communication involving many cultural factors. As a result, the translator's subject status has been paid more and more attention, and the study of the translator has become more and more abundant. At the same time, the post-colonialism school in the field of translation culture has suddenly emerged, and cultural identity as an important theoretical concept has attracted the attention of researchers. The study of translators' cultural identity will undoubtedly provide a new perspective for translation studies and translators' studies and promote the further development of translation studies. In this paper, the author makes a deep study of Sidney Sparrow, a translator with a special position in the history of Chinese translation, and probes into the construction of his own cultural identity and the interaction between his Chinese-English translation activities. In his translation career for more than half a century, dozens of excellent Chinese literary works have been translated and spread to the West by his hand. Sidney Shapiro has made great contributions to the dissemination of Chinese culture to the outside world and to the promotion of cultural exchange between China and the West. These achievements are inextricably linked to his cultural identity. As a Chinese-American translator, Sidney Shapiro has a dual cultural background and a special cultural identity, which plays an important role in every aspect of his translation, from his translation intention to the choice of the original text. Then, the application of translation thought and specific translation strategies reveals the characteristics of its own cultural identity. Therefore, this paper explores the interaction between his special cultural identity and his Chinese-English translation through the study of his cultural identity and its construction process. This paper reexamines Sidney Sidney Shapiro's C-E translation from the perspective of cultural identity.


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