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发布时间:2018-05-27 09:04

  本文选题:中医术语 + 翻译 ; 参考:《中华中医药杂志》2017年09期

【摘要】:为全面系统地了解国内中医术语英译的研究现状与进展,文章以从中国知网相关期刊论文和万方数据库"中华医学会专区"筛选所得的613篇1991年-2015年发表的中医术语英译研究相关期刊论文为数据源,采用文献计量学研究方法和信息可视化软件(Cite Space)呈现手段,从中医术语英译研究的总体情况、主要作者与研究机构、高频关键词和研究热点等方面全面考察了中医术语英译研究的基本现状和整体特点。同时,文章在一定程度上梳理了中医术语英译研究的发展脉络,廓清和探测了近年来中医术语英译研究的新兴热点和发展趋势。
[Abstract]:In order to comprehensively and systematically understand the present situation and progress of the translation of traditional Chinese medicine terms into English in China, This paper takes 613 articles of journals published from 1991 to 2015, which were published from 1991 to 2015, as data sources, which were selected from China Journal Full-text Database and Wanfang Database "Special area of the Chinese Medical Association", which were published from 1991 to 2015. By means of bibliometrics and information visualization software (Cite Space), the author and the research institute are introduced from the general situation of the translation of Chinese medicine terms into English. The basic status and overall characteristics of translation of Chinese medicine terms into English are reviewed in terms of high-frequency keywords and hot research topics. At the same time, to some extent, the article combs the development of the research on the translation of traditional Chinese medicine terms into English, and clarifies and probes into the new hot spots and development trends of the research on the translation of Chinese medicine terms into English in recent years.
【作者单位】: 北京中医药大学中医学院;北京中医药大学人文学院;


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