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发布时间:2018-05-28 13:39

  本文选题:理论与实践 + 新媒体时代 ; 参考:《教育理论与实践》2016年33期

[Abstract]:As early as the middle of the 20 th century, some scholars put forward the concept of new media. Have to say, the new media has long established its important position. New media includes wireless networks, mobile technologies, and uses tools such as smartphones, computers and digital television to deliver information and services to modern users. Colleges and universities are also a place under the influence of new media. They are not only one of the main users of new media, but also make good use of new media to learn. The new media has provided a new reform path for college English teaching. In his book "the Theory and practice of College English Reading Teaching" published by Zhang Juntang, he introduced the influential reading theories of foreign countries, and gave an introduction to the college English reading based on these theories.
【作者单位】: 承德护理职业学院;


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