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发布时间:2018-05-29 03:25

  本文选题:顺应论 + 汽车科技文本翻译 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As foreign automobile brands continue to enter the Chinese market, the importance of automobile text translation has been greatly increased. However, there are many problems in automobile translation, including the inconsistent translation of terms and proper nouns, and the unprofessional use of terms. These problems need to be solved to ensure that the target readers can better understand the automobile information and have a better reading experience. This paper is based on the practice report written by the author in the translation practice of the Global Network Automotive Channel and is based on Visorun's theory of adaptation. From the perspective of linguistic structural adaptation and contextual adaptation, this paper discusses the guiding role of this theory in the translation of automotive scientific and technological texts. In view of the different problems encountered in the translation of automobile scientific and technological texts, the author chooses the corresponding translation strategies in order to adapt to the pronunciation of the original language, the meaning of words or the culture and expression of the target language, so as to solve the problems and achieve better translation effects. Therefore, it has certain guiding significance in translation practice and can provide reference for other translators in translating automotive scientific and technological texts.


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