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发布时间:2018-05-28 23:18

  本文选题:母语 + 迁移 ; 参考:《伊犁师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The study of third language acquisition (SLA) is a new field developed from the study of transfer theory in the 1980s. English classes in minority areas in western China have been incorporated into the curriculum of ethnic minority students. Minority students learn their mother tongue L 1, Chinese L 2) and English L 3. By reviewing and sorting out the previous research results, it is found that the influence of mother tongue on second language is quite mature, but the effects of L1 and L2 on L3 are not well known. There is little research on the acquisition of English by Kazakh bilingual students. Therefore, this study takes the acquisition of passive voice of third language English by Kazakh bilingual students as an example. Q: 1) does Kazakh and Chinese influence the learning of English passive voice? are there any significant differences between the first language Kazakh and the second language Chinese in the acquisition of the third language passive voice? In this study, 60 Kazakh bilingual students in the second year of Yining Experimental High School were taken as the research objects, and the passive voice was taken as an example. Based on the contrastive analysis of hypothesis and the theory of third language acquisition, it is found that the errors in the corpus are mainly in tense, past participle and linked verbs, by analyzing the passive voice errors in the third language interlanguage of Kazakh bilingual students. Kazakh bilingual students are unfamiliar with the perfect tense and seldom use this tense, which is mainly due to the absence of tenses in Kazakh and Chinese, and the omission of linked verbs is influenced by Kazakh. The chi-square analysis shows that the passive voice acquisition of the third language English by Kazakh bilingual students is influenced by the first language Kazakh language as well as the second language Chinese, and that Chinese is more prominent for Kazakh bilingual students to learn English passive voice. Finally, some strategies are proposed to improve the proficiency of Kazakh bilingual students in English acquisition. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide a powerful support for the implementation of bilingual teaching and the development of trilingual teaching for Kazakh students in Yili Prefecture, and provide some enlightenment to the teachers engaged in the teaching of English for Kazakh students.


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