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发布时间:2018-05-29 03:36

  本文选题:译者行为批评 + 葛浩文 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012, the research on the translator Gehor and local literature has gradually become a hot topic in academic circles, and proverbs are an important part of Chinese local literature. It plays an important role in the development of local literature. There are many proverbs in Mo Yan's works. The translation behavior and mode of his translator Gehor can provide an example for local language translation, especially for proverbs translation. Based on the translation corpus of Mo Yan's 10 novels, this study is guided by Zhou Yunshun's theory of translator's behavioral criticism. In this paper, a comprehensive and objective study is carried out on the translation of Gehor and its translation behavior from two different dimensions: inside and outside translation, and the reasonable degree of translation is analyzed in order to provide a new critical perspective for the study of translation of proverbs. It provides methodological basis for Chinese literature and Chinese culture to go out. First of all, there are 132 proverbs in Mo Yan's ten novels. These proverbs have beautiful rhythm, sharp rhythm, compact structure and various rhetorical devices. Secondly, as a linguist, he did not realize the language style in Mo Yan's works and chose to use a more formal language instead of the proverbs with national characteristics in the original text. In terms of syntactic structure and rhetoric, the creative translation adds color to the translation, although it does not correspond to the original text. In the face of punctuation marks such as exclamation points and question marks in the original text, he translated only part of the punctuation points, weakening the mood of the characters, and when dealing with proverbs with Chinese cultural characteristics, he judged the situation and adopted literal and free translations. Literal translation plus free translation as well as saving translation methods. As a social person, his translation behavior is influenced by author, content, publisher and editor, reader, translator and ideology. Whether the original language is adequate, whether it can be translated, and whether the content has attracted him to directly affect the choice of the original text; Mo Yan has great confidence in the original text and has given him the right to revise the original text; considering the readers' reading habits and market factors, Publishing houses and editors often suggest that GE Haowen should be deleted from the translation, and that his early learning experience has made him have a solid foundation in Chinese language, so that he can fully understand the content of the original text. Despite his emphasis on faithfulness as his first translation principle, the translation is often revised and deleted in order for readers to better understand Chinese culture and accept its translation. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces the research background, significance, problems and frame structure of this paper, the second chapter reviews the literature, first reviews the domestic and foreign studies of proverbs; Secondly, it introduces the domestic and foreign studies on the translation of Gbaghaowen, and the third chapter is the theoretical basis, which introduces the relevant theories of Zhou Yunshun's criticism of translator's behavior, "seeking truth". "pragmatism" and its dialectical relationship as well as relevant theories such as internal and external translation, chapter four and chapter five are the main parts, which make a comprehensive analysis of the translation of the text and its translation behavior from the two different dimensions of internal and external translation. Chapter six is the conclusion, which introduces the main findings, the deficiencies of the research and the implications for future research and translation practice.


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