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发布时间:2018-05-29 08:57

  本文选题:翻译报告 + 《高等教育体系对比分析》 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告,原文选自《高等教育体系对比分析》(A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems)第三章(The Impact of Zimbabwean Higher Education Policies on Access《津巴布韦高等教育政策对入学率的影响》)。此书是一部论文集,由迈克尔·卡尔沃、塔蒂阿那·古孔和穆瑟姆比·努古编著,主要对津巴布韦、肯尼亚、墨西哥、印度、俄罗斯、加拿大等国家的教育体系进行剖析对比,讨论其教育体系中使用的政策、存在的问题及解决的方法。中国的学者、教育家和政策制定者等可从中学习经验,完善本国的教育体系。本翻译报告分为五章:第一章是翻译项目的介绍,包括翻译项目背景、意义及结构;第二章是对原文及作者的介绍,原文属于信息型文本,主要以传达文本信息为主;第三章描述了所作的理论准备以及专业准备,译者在翻译采用的是维索尔伦的顺应论,通过在翻译过程中做出选择,从结构客体及语境关系角度找到最佳翻译方法,从而达到翻译理想的效果。第四章译者描述了翻译过程中的难点,并用自身所学知识,在顺应论的指导下采用翻译技巧尽力解决了其中的困难;第五章是此次翻译项目的总结,表达了译者的心得体会以及列出其中未解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation project report. The original text is from A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems) Chapter 3, the Impact of Zimbabwean Higher Education Policies on Access, the effect of higher Education Policy in Zimbabwe on the enrollment rate. The book is a collection of essays compiled by Michael Carbo, Tatiana Gukon, and Muthambinugu, which analyzes and compares the educational systems of Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mexico, India, Russia, Canada, and other countries, including Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mexico, India, Russia, Canada, and so on. Discuss the policies used in its education system, existing problems and solutions. Chinese scholars, educators and policy makers can learn from the experience and improve their education system. This translation report is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction of translation projects, including the background, significance and structure of translation projects, the second chapter is an introduction to the original text and its author. The third chapter describes the theoretical and professional preparation. The translator adopts Visorun's adaptation theory to find out the best translation method from the perspective of structural object and contextual relationship by making a choice in the process of translation. In order to achieve the ideal translation effect. Chapter four describes the difficulties in the process of translation, and uses his own knowledge to solve the difficulties by using translation techniques under the guidance of adaptation Theory. Chapter five is a summary of the translation project. Expresses the translator's experience and lists the outstanding problems.


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