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发布时间:2018-05-29 12:45

  本文选题:空间介词 + 意象图式 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Based on four basic image schemas, this paper explores the original meaning, extended meaning, image schema of original meaning and image schema of extended meaning of spatial prepositions through the study of the samples in the contemporary American Corpus (COCA). Firstly, according to the preposition classification theory put forward by Cheng Benfan, the paper divides spatial prepositions into four categories, each with or without subordinate classification, and searches for the most frequent prepositions from each category or subordinate classification by COCA. According to the search results, 10 spatial prepositions with the highest frequency, namely, the spatial prepositions commonly used in the paper, were determined as the research objects. Then, 30 samples of each maximum frequency space preposition were extracted at the middle distance of COCA, for a total of 300 samples. According to the context of 300 samples of common spatial prepositions, the original meanings of common spatial prepositions are studied, and the corresponding image schemas are drawn. According to the context of 300 samples of common spatial prepositions, the extended meaning of spatial prepositions is studied and the corresponding image schemas are drawn. Finally, the paper analyzes the relationship between the image schema under the original meaning of the spatial preposition and the image schema in the extended sense. Therefore, the thesis focuses on two questions: first, what are the original meanings and extended meanings of spatial prepositions? Second, what are the image schemata of the original meaning of the spatial prepositions and the image schemata of the extended meanings? The main findings are as follows: first, this paper studies the original meanings of common spatial prepositions by using 300 samples screened by COCA. Through the analysis of COCA samples, it is concluded that the extension of spatial prepositions originates from the use of spatial prepositions in abstract context. Secondly, the image schema under the original meaning of the spatial preposition and the image schema in the extended sense are represented by four basic image schemas.


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