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发布时间:2018-05-29 12:46

  本文选题:信息过载 + 注意过滤器 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The original text of the translation project is an excerpt from Daniel Levitin's first chapter, "Information overload, making it hard to choose" in how to keep your head clear in the Age of Information explosion. From the point of view of neuroscience, the reason why people are often overwhelmed by information overload is analyzed. The text mainly discusses the dilemma that people have to make decisions in the environment of information explosion, and how to manage life better by mastering several important aspects, such as how the brain processes information. The main contents of the report can be divided into five parts: the background of the translation project, the purpose and significance, the background and the main content of the original text, some translation difficulties and strategies, and the translation theory applied in translation. Inspiration and problems to be solved in the course of translation. According to Vermeer's Skopos Theory and Rice's text categorization theory, the translator carefully contrasts the similarities and differences between the two languages and accurately conveys the original meaning while trying to achieve the same effect. It is also hoped that the public will have a general understanding of how the human brain processes information.


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