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发布时间:2018-05-30 03:42

  本文选题:英语阅读能力 + 阅读障碍 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of globalization and the increase of multicultural communication, China attaches great importance to English teaching. Due to the lack of necessary learning environment, English reading becomes the basis of English teaching. However, in high school English reading teaching practice, students' reading status is not optimistic, and even there are some reading obstacles, which greatly affect the improvement of students' reading ability. Therefore, it is imperative to explore the obstacles of high school students in English reading. Based on schema theory and English Curriculum Standard for Senior High School (experiment), the present study uses questionnaires and interviews with teachers and students to explore the English reading disorders of senior high school students and analyze the causes of them. In order to explore English dyslexia, 193 senior middle school students in two senior high schools in Qingdao received a questionnaire survey on reading disability. The results of the survey were analyzed by SPSS13.0. In addition, 8 students and 4 teachers were interviewed. The results of the interview will be used as a supplement to the questionnaire and as a basis for analyzing the causes of dyslexia. The results show that high school students have different degrees of dyslexia in terms of vocabulary, grammar, background knowledge, reading strategies and internal motivation. English reading and cultural input are not enough, reading strategies are not well understood and applied, and interest in English reading is not strong. In order to effectively eliminate students' English reading barriers, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, that is, teachers should take appropriate measures to stimulate students' internal motivation, attach importance to the role of language competence and language schemata. Attention should be paid to the teaching and correct use of reading strategies, content schemata and cultural input. Students should expand the scope and depth of vocabulary, master English grammar knowledge in appropriate ways, correctly understand and use effective reading strategies, enlarge reading quantity and strengthen cultural knowledge input.


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