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发布时间:2018-05-30 12:45

  本文选题:女性主义翻译理论 + 译者主体性 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:一些传统译论遮蔽了译者的主体性,强调译者的隐身,然而随着翻译的“文化转向”以及政治、经济、文化和意识形态等因素的影响,传统的翻译思想和翻译标准遭到了挑战和质疑,人们开始关注幕后的译者,译者的主体性得到了凸显。女性与翻译的类似地位及遭遇,使得翻译与女性主义的结合顺理成章。在翻译研究领域,女性主义翻译论为译者主体性的研究提供了独特的性别视角,拓宽了翻译研究理论。本文从女性主义视角考察了翻译理论对译者主体性的彰显作用。强调了译作与原作,译者与作者的同等地位。女性主义翻译理论认为翻译是创造性重写过程,是一种创造性叛逆和另类忠实以及翻译应忠实于译者与作者共同参与的写作计划。本文选取了颇具代表性的《劳伦斯的女人》(第二章),旨在从翻译实践上考察女性主义译论对翻译过程的影响以及该理论在翻译过程中的具体应用。从而意识到女性译者在对原作一些具有女性主义意识和色彩的有关语句和内容的理解与表达上更为准确到位。本翻译报告的原文节选自莉迪亚·布兰卡德(Lydia Blanchard)的著作《劳伦斯的女人》(D.H.Lawrence’s Lady)中的第二章,该章的主题是“劳伦斯、福柯和性语言,”以极富有哲理的语言阐述了这一主题。本章主要研究了福柯、劳伦斯与众不同的性语言。他们不仅不再回避性话题,并深入到性语言的层面上去讨论它。莉迪亚选取了颇有文学价值并具有代表性的劳伦斯的小说--《查泰来夫人的情人》,引用其中经典的语段对性语言进行了讨论。原文属于文学评论性质的社科类文本,语言严谨不失美感,隐含意蕴深厚。作为一本文学评论著作,本书正文及引文中使用了大量文学修辞手法,具有深远的隐含意义:“性”的特殊性也决定了某些特殊词汇与隐喻的运用,这些都为翻译工作的顺利进行带来了挑战。译者在翻译过程中,为了将“性”这一较为隐晦的主题契合中文语境并为两性读者所理解,从女性译者的视角、采取了强调译者尤其是女性译者主体性的“女性主义翻译理论”作为本次翻译实践的指导理论。为了使译文更加流畅、符合中文习惯,本文采用了直译、意译、增译、省译等语言转换技巧。性文学不仅仅是一种鲜少被在现实生活中公开讨论的文学话题,更重要的是,这样的文学作品在某种程度上更直观深刻地映射出当时的社会态度并成为时代缩影。因此,研究性文学是以一种特有的视角观察西方社会变迁与那个时代下人们的精神面貌。作为一名女性译者,我希望通过完成本次翻译实践能使中国社会对性话题乃至性领域有新的认识和理解,并且能以正确的态度对待性和了解性。本翻译报告共分为三个部分,第一部分为引言,主要概述翻译任务,介绍翻译文本的类型、语言风格与主要内容以及此次翻译实践的意义;第二部分从五个角度对报告中所引进的翻译理论进行了介绍,分别为:女性翻译理论的核心、立场策略、翻译哲学、研究意义以及其贡献和局限性。第三部分为本报告的主体部分—实例分析,结合翻译实例论证女性翻译论在本次翻译实践中的具体应用。随着历史的发展,性在现代中国社会也不再是缄口不谈的话题,因此,作为本次翻译实践的译者,我希望可以推动性文学和性语言方向的研究,也希望有更多的人可以对性这一话题有更为健康和全面的认识。
[Abstract]:Some traditional translation theories have obscured the translator's subjectivity and emphasized the translator's stealth. However, with the influence of "cultural turn" and the influence of political, economic, cultural and ideological factors, the traditional translation ideas and standards have been challenged and questioned, and the translator's subjectivity has been highlighted. In the field of translation studies, feminist translation theory provides a unique gender perspective for the study of the subjectivity of the translator and broadens the theory of translation studies in the field of translation studies. This article examines the role of translation theory in the translator's Subjectivity from a feminist perspective. The feminist translation theory holds that translation is a creative rewriting process, a creative treason and an alternative loyalty, and that translation should be faithful to the translator and the author to participate in the writing program. This article selects a representative "Laurence's Woman >" (second chapter). The translation practice examines the influence of feminist translation theory on the translation process and the specific application of the theory in the process of translation. Thus, it is realized that the female translator is more accurate in understanding and expressing some related sentences and contents of the original feminist consciousness and color. The original text of this translation report is selected from Lydia. The second chapter of Blanchard (Lydia Blanchard), "Laurence's Woman > (D.H.Lawrence 's Lady). The theme of the chapter is" Laurence, Foucault and sexual language, "in a very philosophical language. This chapter focuses on Foucault, Laurence and different sexual languages. To discuss it in depth to the level of sexual language, Lydia selected a novel of literary value and representative of Laurence, the lover of Madame Charles, and cites the classical paragraphs to discuss the sexual language. The original text belongs to the literary criticism of the social science text, the language is strict without loss of beauty, and the implication is profound. For a literary critic, a lot of literary rhetoric is used in the text and citation of this book, which has profound implied meaning: the particularity of "sex" also determines the use of certain special words and metaphors. These all bring challenges to the smooth progress of translation work. In the process of translation, the translator is more implicit in the process of "sex". From the perspective of female translators, the "feminist translation theory", which emphasizes the translator's subjectivity, is the guiding theory of the translation practice from the perspective of female translators. In order to make the translation more fluent and in line with Chinese habits, this paper adopts literal translation, free translation, translation, and provincial translation. Language translation skills. Sex literature is not only a literary topic which is rarely discussed in real life, but more importantly, such literary works reflect the social attitude of the time and become the epitome of the times in a more intuitive and profound way. Therefore, the research literature is a unique perspective to observe the changes of the Western society. As a female translator, as a female translator, I hope that through the completion of this translation practice, I can make Chinese society have a new understanding and understanding of sexual and sexual fields, and be able to treat sex and understanding in a correct manner. The translation report is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction. The translation task is to introduce the type of translation text, the language style and main content and the significance of the translation practice. The second part introduces the translation theory introduced in the report from five angles, which are the core of the female translation theory, the position strategy, the translation philosophy, the research significance and its contribution and limitation. The third parts are The main part of this report is the case analysis and the practical application of the feminist translation theory in the translation practice. With the development of history, sex is no longer a topic of silence in modern Chinese society. Therefore, as a translator of this translation practice, I hope to promote the study of sexual literature and the direction of sexual language. It is also hoped that more people will have a healthier and more comprehensive understanding of the topic of sex.


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